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FBI Director Robert Mueller Still Searching For Dead As A Doornail Jimmy Hoffa While The Living Go Ignored

April 12. 2007

If Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, do you know what he would tell FBI Director Robert Mueller: I'm dead!

FBI Director Robert Mueller wasted $250,000 in taxpayer money and resources digging up a farm looking for Jimmy Hoffa, who probably bought the farm, pardon the pun.

Robert Mueller is starting to look odd treating these bizarre Jimmy Hoffa tips like Elvis sightings. They have only led to wild goose chases and embarrassment.

Robert Mueller: Yup, I don't know what I'm doing:


Robert Mueller: But who cares about justice, I'm getting paid and I have big budgets to play with thanks to those suckers lawmakers in Congress:

Christ said "Let the dead burry the dead" and it is pretty much safe to assume that Hoffa is gone. So while Mueller wastes sizable sums of money in taxpayer dollars, the cases of the living go untouched, as was reported in the Seattle Post on April 10, 2007:

"The FBI's terrorism trade-off - Thousands of white-collar criminals across the country are no longer being prosecuted in federal court -- and, in many cases, not at all -- leaving a trail of frustrated victims and potentially billions of dollars in fraud and theft losses." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/311046_fbiterror11.html

To spend so much time and money on Jimmy Hoffa when those resources could be used elsewhere, shows that your priorities are all wrong.

How could a case about the dead, trump cases about the living. May as well put him on a milk carton and bump the little kids off the box, who may still be alive, at the rate this is going. That's how disproportionate it looks.

Why don't you devote those wasted resources into finding kids who were just reported missing, following a live trail,  instead of chasing a dead one that's gone completely cold for decades.

But it is because it is high profile why Mueller is pursuing it so heavily. It is not about justice or helping victims, but about the glory.



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