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Britney Spears’ Former Assistant Sims Served In Custody Battle

Does Kevin Think Britney Is Too Toxic For The Kids

August 13, 2007

Alli Sims

Britney Spears’ former assistant and party pal, aspiring singer Alli Sims, was served with legal papers by Kevin Federline’s legal representatives regarding the former couples’ child custody battle.

Sims broke down crying. Why? All you have to do is go in there and tell the truth. And if we the public are seeing such terrible, dangerous conduct from Spears on a regular basis, we know you saw much worse behind closed doors.

This isn’t about being anyone’s cousin or assistant. This isn’t about anyone’s future career via helping or hurting it. This is about the welfare of two defenseless, innocent children that need proper care, support and supervision. Britney’s mind is in no state to do that.

We can all see that Britney’s lost all her marbles and her kids shouldn’t pay the price for that. She’s getting more and more reckless as time goes by, which is not a healthy environment for children.

As I’ve stated before, Federline should get custody and Spears supervised visits. It’s not like she sees them much anyway, being out shopping and partying everyday.

Photos courtesy of the Daily Mail, X-17 and Google Images



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