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DOW Plunges To Six Year Low

February 19. 2009


The DOW Jones has fallen to a six year low, due to continued concerns over the U.S. economy. President Barack Obama is working on programs to help shore up the economy in the face of a terrible financial crisis and ongoing revelations about massive financial fraud in corporate America.

The FBI has stated in Congress, they are working on over 500 fraud cases dealing with well-known companies breaking U.S. law. I've said it before and I'll say it again, as this needs to be remembered for the future, the next time you choose to engage in criminal negligence from federal offices - if you had done your jobs in the first place and nipped these terrible cases in the bud, none of this would have happened. It would not have mushroomed into the crisis we see today. That goes for the SEC as well. 

It's a tall order to ask one man, a head of state, to fix years of goof-ups committed by enforcement agencies, such as the FBI and SEC.

President Barack Obama

A special committee needs to be formed, where both agencies can turn over summaries of their most severe cases to Congress, in the hope additional independent help can be brought in to intervene in the crisis, before the FBI does one of their turtle-speed-5-year investigations, allowing greater damage to be done to the economy. You cannot rely on the FBI to do this in a timely fashion. They will fail, as they always do in critical, time sensitive matters, because they work under poor leadership. 

All over the world America is being heavily scrutinized over the SEC and FBI's failures in this financial crisis (Wall Street, Mortgage Crisis, Bernard Madoff and R. Allen Stanford). Congress must make this right, as the nation's name is at stake in the world of finance.



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