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Facebook Groups Want Obama Impeached

November 6. 2008

President Barack Obama

There are groups on Facebook that seek to have President Barack Obama impeached when his butt hasn’t even landed in the chair in the Oval office yet.

Shouldn’t you at least give him a chance to prove himself first before you start requesting an impeachment. Unless Obama blows up the White House, he can’t be worse than Bush.

Side bar: why is the Oval office, well, oval. It must be hard to hang drapes in there.

'Impeach Obama' groups pop up on Facebook

Nov 5 05:49 PM US/Eastern - Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment.

On Facebook, an "Impeach Barack Obama" group has attracted more than 700 members and a lively debate about the Democrat's election victory on Tuesday over Republican John McCain.

Another Facebook group of the same name has 160 members and urges others to join because "we might as well get a head start on the impeachment of Obama."

"There are a lot of Americans out there that do not fully understand the concept of Socialism or Communism which is why they've elected Obama as president," it says.

Yet another Facebook group, "Impeach Barack Hussein Obama," has 160 members.




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