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FDA: Topamax Causes Birth Defects

April 9. 2011

Remember that awful drug Topamax I denounced on this site in November 2009 (Good And Bad Pharmaceutical Drugs). Since that time, the drug has faced a massive $70,000,000 federal fine from the government for "off label use" which came six months after my article.  

There's been a new development regarding Topamax. During the past few weeks, the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) announced they've found Topamax causes birth defects. The government did a study a discovered a 2000% increase in birth defects linked to women taking Topamax while pregnant.  

The lawyers are out in full force going after Topamax and they deserve it. I told you Topamax was garbage. Do you know how messed up a headache medicine has to be to cause birth defects. What a terrible pharmaceutical drug. 

Recently, I met a judge that took Topamax and he said it made him sick. He was unable to perform his job for a time, due to the terrible side effects of the drug. I've also read the testimonies of teachers and nurses, among others, stating they had to quit their jobs after taking Topamax, because it left them very debilitated, sick and unable to function. 

As stated previously, my experience with Topamax was very bad. I developed Metabolic Acidosis, which is a potentially fatal condition, but by God's grace I did not die (but I came close to it). If I ever catch the scientist behind Topamax in a dark alley, this is what I'm going to do to him:  


Epilepsy, migraine drug linked to 2000 percent increase in birth defects

Topamax Linked To Birth Defects Per FDA and New Medical Information

Topamax Leads to Birth Defects

Topamax Warning Label Strengthened by FDA Following Evidence of Birth Defects

Topamax Lawsuits Escalate

Topamax Poses Serious Birth Defect Risks


"Off Label Use"

Good And Bad Pharmaceutical Drugs

Manufacturer Knew Vioxx Was Bad

Multiple Meds Found In Brittany Murphy Home

Off Label Use - Part 2



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