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How Original Is "Twilight"?

August 25. 2009


How original is "Twilight"? I ask because of all the plagiarism claims that have surfaced. The most notable are claims regarding the fourth book in Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" installment titled "Breaking Dawn" proving to be a rip off of Jordan Scott's preexisting copyrighted book "The Nocturne." 

Previously, the "Twilight" perfume was shown to be a complete rip-off of Nina Ricci's well established fragrance. Therefore, the question is, just how much of this "Twilight" franchise is real and not stolen from someone else's copyrights. It's forming a pattern illustrating something is very wrong.

A lawyer tried to defend Meyer's conduct on the MTV website, regarding stealing the preexisting copyrighted book, by incredulously stating, some items in Scott's book are not uncommon.

Stephanie Meyer

I don't know about you, but a book featuring a woman pregnant with a vampire's seed, that is making her ill, with the baby having to be cut out of the womb and numerous lines of text being lifted from said book verbatim, among other things, is distinct and substantial, as it forms the basis for the work.

Furthermore, as a writer of any caliber, one should be ashamed to admit stealing anything from anyone, then looking for loopholes in Copyright Law to hide behind, as it states you are a fraud.

The internet is a great place, but is has exposed a lot of writers, including myself, to unwanted plagiarism and copyright infringement, by Hollywood stars and so-called writers, hiding behind their computers, while stealing from hardworking people. Who could respect such thievery, as it is ugly and so uncalled for.



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