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Iran To Be Major Player On The Nuclear Stage

January 4. 2011

 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

The Iranian government is going to become a major player on the global nuclear stage, which should be a concern to the United States and Israel. I shall do my best to look at this issue impartially and with an unvarnished view. Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has made brash statements in the world about wiping Israel and America off the map. He is also pursuing space endeavors, which can be used as a means to deploy catastrophic weaponry, which could level a nation. As it stands, a fully nuclear Iranian government spells trouble for the Western world.

I do not wish the people of Iran any harm, ill will or sadness, but as it stands, Ahmadinejad's views and that of those in his circle, pose a danger to the world. Ideally, these issues should be resolved without war, but sadly, due to Ahmadinejad's refusal to cooperate and America and Israel's appropriate refusal to be annihilated, this conflict has catastrophe written all over it, for all sides involved. If something is not productively and peacefully done, trouble is coming. The world cannot be allowed to deteriorate in this manner.



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