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Jamaica Seeks To Bring Back The Death Penalty

August 18. 2010

An article in the Jamaica Observer, revealed some Jamaicans are in favor of bringing back the death penalty. Someone close to me, who has worked in the Jamaican judicial system for many years, is in favor of it, as some do not wish for their hard earned taxpayer dollars to go towards housing, feeding and clothing serious criminals, who have damaged society in irreparable ways. 

However, as a Jamaican, I don't think reinstituting the death penalty is a good idea. In general, countries need to move away from capital punishment. Undoubtedly, some people's deeds warrant it, for engaging in conduct that can only be labeled human atrocities, but the Judiciary Report is of the belief, life in prison is best for such egregious cases. 

Jamaica needs to move towards the construction of an austere, maximum security prison, with hard labor for its occupants, to incarcerate those that have harmed society in a terrible manner and to act as a deterrent for those thinking of committing heinous crimes that would draw a life sentence.

In closing, respectfully, the Jamaican government needs to detach from the British Privy Council, as the aforementioned individual has proclaimed to me for years. Not for anything negative on the Council's part, but the fact criminals are abusing it to stretch out appeals, sending it to Britain and remaining free in Jamaica for years, wreaking havoc, when they belong behind bars. 


US Jamaicans urge return of capital punishment



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