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Lindsay Lohan Slams Middle America

July 1. 2009


One time actress, Lindsay Lohan, who is not gainfully employed, slammed singer Justin Timberlake's clothing line. She said on her Twitter page and in her case the title applies, as she is a twit, "I can't believe you are lowering yourselves to Macy's brand...Paris is chic not mid America. Gross" Gross?

How ironic that "mid America" meaning middle America bought her movie tickets, when she had a job. They won't anymore. You seem to think quite a lot of yourself, looking down your cocaine caked nose at people.

Furthermore, what do you know about fashion. You constantly go around Hollywood granting the appearance soap and water have alluded you for a year. Your clothes are often ill-coordinated, vulgar and in very poor taste. Stylish you are not.



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