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Lost Chance To Find Former Missing Girl

August 29. 2009

Video: Police Missed Opportunity to Find Girl in 2006 - The Associated Press


Nancy Garrido, 54 and her husband, Phillip Garrdio, 58, a man previously convicted of kidnapping and sexual assault, clearly was not a changed man, after being incarcerated and released on probation, serving a paltry sentence. He went right back to his old, devious ways.

Garrido, with the help of his wife, kidnapped 11-year-old Jaycee Lee Dugard in 1991. This week, while on probation, his sick misconduct was uncovered.

Not only had Garrido held the young girl captive in his backyard shed for years, he sexually assaulted her, fathering two children with her. That poor girl. The psychological horror she must have endured. Some people can be so evil.

Garrdio and his wife have now been indicted on 29 counts in relation to this heinous series of crimes against Dugard, who is now 29-years-old. They deserve life in prison without the possibility of parole.



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