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No, That Doesn't Look Crazy At All 

The Lady Gaga Edition

May 16. 2011

Lady Gaga needs to listen to Whitney because "crack is wack"

Wow, recording artist, Lady Gaga, left the house looking crazier than ever, which most thought was not possible after the parade of fashion disasters she has sported, leaving fashionistas aghast and clutching their pearls. It's time to stop coddling these stars and call them on their crazy.


With her glassy eyes rolling back into her drug addicted head, the cocaine enthusiast and self-appointed spokesperson, strutted her latest maniac ensembles for all too willing paparazzi, only interested in her to make a buck. And speaking of buck, did she kill one to make that crazy hat. 


At some point, they are going to have to commit this chick, because if she gets any crazier she is going to make Britney Spears look sane. And of course, Madonna is taking credit for Gaga, when we all know she can't sing for squat and and has the style of a colorblind, freeloading pimp.


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