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Sonia Sotomayor Rulings Labeled Racist

May 31. 2009

President Barack Obama

Several news outlets have been reviewing the cases of President Barack Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, Sonya Sotomayor and are accusing her of racism, due to her judicial rulings and opinions. She has consistently ruled against blacks in a number of cases, for claiming discrimination and she made a statement during a speech that whites are branding her racist for uttering.

I think it would be great for a Latin judge to be appointed to the Supreme Court, but Sonia Sotomayor has a habit I dislike with some judges - consistently ruling in favor of corporations, against the average citizen, whose rights have been violated.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama (Washington Times)

The corporation is not always right and such judicial bias encourages future misconduct at citizens' expense, believing they can get away with it in a court of law.

If judges had heeded warnings in civil cases against men such as R. Allen Stanford, investors all over the world wouldn't be out billions of dollars. Millions of workers wouldn't be out of a job, either, when the deck of cards these crooked companies created, carried on free of judicial or federal intervention, then spectacularly collapsed, creating the current financial crisis. 


Liberals Worried About Sotomayor Pick

Opposition To Obama's Pick Sonia Sotomayor

Obama Nominates Woman For Supreme Court



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