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Why Did DJ AM And Barker Leave Others Behind

September 24. 2008

 Sacrilegious T-shirt reads “Curb your god” instead of the standard "curb your dog"

As I wrote yesterday Kabbalahist DJ AM and drummer Travis Barker survived a private jet crash that claimed four lives, among them, two of their close friends.

Why didn’t they try to drag some of the other passengers out of the plane when they exited? Why did they leave them behind when they fled the plane.

Years ago, my brother saw two kids drowning in the sea, very rough waters, and went in attempting to save them. He got one child out, but when he went back in to get the second one, the tide had gotten so bad, it pulled them both under and they drowned. What he did was brave and selfless and I’m proud of him.

So, not to judge, but I keep wondering, why didn’t DJ AM and Travis Barker pull or drag some of the others out while they got out the plane.



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