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Why Gay Marriage Is Detrimental

April 22. 2009

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, lost the crown when nasty, abusive gossip blogger Perez Hilton, acting as a judge, gave her a zero, for politely stating in response to his question on gay marriage, that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman. She has since stuck by her comments, stating they are "Biblically correct."

Not only is homosexuality and gay marriage a sin in most religions of the world, beliefs that are adhered to by billions of people, established facts compiled via studies and surveys reveal, it opens up societies to higher abuse levels.

Violence is on the rise among gays. They are prone to greater domestic violence issues than heterosexual couples. A study of Scandinavia revealed, the institution of marriage crumbled in their country, when they adopted same sex marriage laws.

God never intended marriage to be between people of the same sex and does not recognize it.

Are We Ready for Gay Marriage in Society?

 Many believe that gay marriage represents an equal right. I respectfully submit this is not true, and that it represents a special right above and beyond our existing sane law. Traditional marriages and families have been the foundation of all of the great, thriving and happy civilizations on Earth….

Allowing weird forms of so-called "marriage" will destroy us, 100 per cent for certain. The acceptance of such practices has led to the downfall of all great empires throughout history. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.

Individuals who believe there is no harm in a man marrying another man meet the clinical definition of the "I" word, with all due respect. Apparently, much of the population has been brainwashed by liberalism and by the homosexual agenda. This might unfortunately be irreparable, unless people decide to undergo electroshock therapy or some other radical form of treatment...




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