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Doctors Advise Against Exercise While Infected With The Coronavirus Confirming Previous Claims

January 27. 2022


On December 27, 2021 on the social networking website Twitter.com, I stated in a time stamped tweet, "They shouldn't try to do too much while infected with coronavirus. Rest and give your immune system a chance to fight the virus. Remain hydrated with healthy liquids such as water, orange juice, green tea with a splash of lemon juice."

Today, I also want to state you can also add honey to the green tea with lemon juice as all three have great health benefits. The green tea helps to clear free radicals from the system. The lemon juice has vitamin C which strengthens the immune system. The honey is a type of natural antibacterial and antibiotic. Buy real lemon juice (100% lemon juice) and separately real honey (don't buy that syrupy stuff that is honey mixed up sugary syrup or imitation/diluted lemon juice that's also mixed with other items). Drink it everyday. It will improve your health.

My time stamped tweet on Twitter.com

Anyway, WEEKS after my December 27, 2021 tweet, on January 10, 2022 an article was published by Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal, quoted doctors as stating the same regarding not exercising while infected with coronavirus.

The Wall Street Journal's January 10, 2022 article stated, "Don’t work out with Covid-19, at the gym or anywhere else. Asymptomatic carriers may be tempted to keep their fitness resolutions. Medical professionals say that’s a bad idea. January 10, 2022 - 3:09PM - Testing positive for Covid-19 means putting workouts on hold, even if you have zero or mild symptoms. Given research suggesting that the Omicron variant currently surging worldwide causes milder symptoms, some people set on keeping their New Year’s fitness resolutions may feel tempted to keep going to the gym. But sports-medicine professionals say you should put exercise on pause, even if you are asymptomatic."

Therefore, once again, if you're sick with COVID, lay off the exercise until you're well again. It places extra strain on an immune system already fighting off a formidable foe in the form of a potentially deadly virus (coronavirus). You could also over stress your lungs and heart in exercising with COVID, which is dangerous (heart attack, respiratory failure). Please, take care of yourselves.


Don’t Work Out With Covid-19, at the Gym or Anywhere Else

January 10, 2022 - Asymptomatic carriers may be tempted to keep their fitness resolutions. Medical professionals say that’s a bad idea...


Don’t work out with Covid-19, at the gym or anywhere else

Asymptomatic carriers may be tempted to keep their fitness resolutions. Medical professionals say that’s a bad idea.

January 10, 2022 - 3:09PM - Testing positive for Covid-19 means putting workouts on hold, even if you have zero or mild symptoms. Given research suggesting that the Omicron variant currently surging worldwide causes milder symptoms, some people set on keeping their New Year’s fitness resolutions may feel tempted to keep going to the gym.

But sports-medicine professionals say you should put exercise on pause, even if you are asymptomatic. The American College of Sports Medicine, for example, suggests low-risk patients should rest for at least 10 days after being diagnosed with Covid-19. If asymptomatic, the rest should last seven days.

Jumping right back into a vigorous exercise routine after being sick could prolong the time it takes to regain fitness levels, or worse, lead to injury or relapse. “This doesn’t give you a free pass to sit on the couch all day and watch Netflix, ” says David Soma, a sports physician at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Covid-19 sufferers can avoid being completely sedentary by getting up to do light chores and moving throughout the day, so long as they don’t feel chest pain or fatigue...



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