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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Mask Free Policies Being Blamed For The Worst Coronavirus Surge Of The Pandemic

August 17. 2021

Ron DeSantis

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, is on the hot seat regarding his poor coronavirus policies and the massive surge in cases in the state. DeSantis has received terrible publicity all over America due to this development.

DeSantis is pushing monoclonal antibodies treatment and Remdesivir, as the solution to the surge in coronavirus cases in Florida. In fact, DeSantis has created "monoclonal antibodies strike teams" with the intent of treating Floridians who have contracted coronavirus. Naming them strike teams is corny.

Florida is averaging 20,000 new coronavirus cases per day. Hospitals in Florida are full and staff is overwhelmed. Monoclonal antibodies and Remdesivir, are what former President Donald Trump received for COVID, when he contracted coronavirus during his last few months in office.

A box of 50 surgical masks cost $10 per month. Proper mask wearing has proven healthy, effective and cheap in the fight against coronavirus. Monoclonal antibodies and Remdesivir treatments can run between $5,000 to $7,000, and there are no guarantees, as they are not cures. The treatments must also be dispensed early enough in the course of the virus to have a chance to preserve human life.

Secondly, who is going to pay for DeSantis' strike teams and the medical treatments. This could run into billions of dollars in costs, which is not economical or wise. There are cities in Florida facing urban decay. The state lacks affordable housing. The state also lacks affordable after school programs for kids.

Even in the face of all this information DeSantis is pushing a costly medical option to a deadly virus which could be stopped in its tracks by proper mask wearing, social distancing and regular hand sanitizing.

It's basic politics that any program one proposes, one must have a way to pay for it. Who is going to pay for DeSantis' monoclonal antibodies strike teams. Certainly not the taxpayers. Floridians are understandably balking at the idea of it.

Proper mask wearing is essential in preventing coronavirus. Think about the alternatives. Some Americans who have contracted COVID were hit with $1,000,000 medical bills they can't pay. They also have long haul COVID, which is very debilitating. It is technically a disability.

Not to mention, coronavirus is a lung disease. Those who sustain enough damage need lung transplants. The median life expectancy after a lung transplant is 5-years. Do you really want to go through all of that for not wearing a mask.

I've advocated mask wearing since the beginning of the pandemic and it has worked for those who have faithfully adhered to these principles (Joe Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)).


Hundreds Of Thousands Of Fully Vaccinated Americans Are Contracting The Coronavirus

Lab Demonstration Proves That Wearing Masks Work In The Face Of Coronavirus



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