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Joe Biden Administration Bombs The Middle East Under The Influence Of Barack Obama Confirming Previous Site Claims

February 27. 2021

America is in financial chaos and social distress. Rather than spend time fixing America's problems and improving the nation, Joe Biden has chosen to spend taxpayer money to bomb Syria in the Middle East (money Americans could use during the pandemic).

This is a follow up to the December 16, 2020  article "Now That Barack Obama Is Headed For His Third Term In Office Through Joe Biden Will He Resume The Extrajudicial Killings (Articles)."

In the article I stated, "Obama, a Nobel Prize winner, murdered many civilians in the Middle East via an unprecedented number of bombs. Children were even killed in the many bombings. In one incident, Obama specifically ordered the murder via drone of a 16-year-old boy (see external article excerpt below). The man is an abomination and aberration."

Joe Biden and Barack Obama

I rhetorically asked "Now That Barack Obama Is Headed For His Third Term In Office Through Joe Biden Will He Resume The Extrajudicial Killings (Articles)" regarding bombing the Middle East again, but this time through his former vice president turned president, Joe Biden, which I dubbed Obama's illegal third term. I knew he was going to do this again and 3-months later it has happened.

This week, Biden, who has only been in office for ONE MONTH, launched a military air strike on Syria, raining bombs down on the nation in the Middle East. People on Twitter.com wondered out loud if dementia plagued Biden knew he had just bombed Syria, as his social networking feed was quiet, it began during his bedtime and he made no statement on it. Well, that's because former U.S. President Barack Obama ordered the bombings. He couldn't wait to get back to bombing the Middle East into oblivion again (smh).

Joe Biden

People online are angry at Biden over the bombings, stating he's bombing Syria, which they do not approve of him doing, but can't keep his campaign promises, such as freeing immigrant kids from cages Obama built, $2,000 stimulus checks, school loan forgiveness and a $15 per hour minimum wage, among other things.

I do not agree with the decision to bomb Syria. It is unethical, ungodly and evil. You need to stop bombing the Middle East. You are killing innocent civilians, destroying their homes and businesses, and damaging the environment. These missiles damage the world in so many ways, contributing to earthquakes and undesirable weather changes. They damage the air, land and water. You cannot claim to be a green president who is about the environment and do these things.


Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims

Now That Barack Obama Is Headed For His Third Term In Office Through Joe Biden Will He Resume The Extrajudicial Killings (Articles)

Joe Biden Is A Power Hungry Criminal From The Obama Administration Following A Movie Script



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