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Judge Throws Out Britney Spears Case Regarding Removing Her Dad As Conservator

November 12. 2020

Britney Spears

Troubled 38-year-old singer Britney Spears lost her court case to remove dad, Jamie Spears, as head of the conservatorship concerning her life and business affairs. Spears stated she is afraid of her dad and wants to control her own affairs. However, the court rejected her request.

Judge Brenda Penny ruled in favor of keeping Spears' dad on as conservator, in a post he has held for the past 12-years. The court case mentioned Spears' $60,000,000 estate and her threat to stop performing if he was not removed as conservator.

At the end of the day, since 2008, Spears repeatedly exhibited the fact she is a danger to herself and others. Recently, Spears accidentally burned down her home gym, which is proof of the point she needs to be under a conservatorship.

I've stated all along that the "Free Britney" campaign online was unwise. They don't know her or the things she has done behind the scenes. To release Spears from a conservatorship or remove her dad who put it in place through lawyers, is not in her best interest or that of the public, as she is very mentally ill.

If she violently attacks someone, worse than she repeatedly did in 2008, who would take take responsibility for that, having removed her from the conservatorship. It would turn into a scandal, where the court, judge, lawyers and her dad would be blamed for letting her go unsupervised and un-medicated. Spears needs to remain under the conservatorship and take her medicine to control her schizophrenia.

Side Bar: Britney Spears was in a sick, satanic cult ritual at Madonna's Kabbalah cult in Los Angeles. This is the source of her problem. It broke her mind and she has not been the same since. She is like a shell of her former self.


Britney Spears Loses Bid To Oust Father From Conservatorship, Says She Won’t Perform While He’s In Charge

Nov 11, 2020,11:05am EST - Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny declined to suspend Britney’s father, James Spears, from the conservator role he has held for 12 years, though did approve the singer’s request to appoint the Bessemer Trust, a corporate fiduciary, to serve as co-conservator, AP reports.

Judge Penny said she would consider any future requests to suspend or remove him, which his daughter’s lawyers reportedly plan to file. James Spears’ position gives him significant control over his daughter’s personal affairs as well as financial affairs, including the ability to restrict visitors and communicate with doctors over her treatment...



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