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Madonna Commissions A Brazen And Brutal Murder Attempt

December 8. 2020

Madonna looking as ugly as ever

Madonna commissioned another attempted vehicular homicide in Miami (which has occurred before in three different parking lots, on sidewalks twice, and a crosswalks: Washed Up Singer Madonna Commissions Another Murder Attempt).

Prior to the Madonna case I had never been in any situation where someone tried to run me over (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).

However, as seen in the criminal case of Madonna's private investigator, whom the FBI questioned me about as a "victim of crime" it is a tactic he uses (Hollywood Wiretap And Harassment Trial Reveals Pattern Of Abusing Innocent People)..

As stated previously on the site, the FBI and DOJ exposed the fact in court that Madonna's private investigator Pellicano, who is in the mafia, would deliberately try to or actually did run over innocent people he criminally targeted on behalf of Hollywood stars and executives who paid him $100,000 per person.

The most recent incident occurred this past Friday, December 4th, 2020 at approximately 3:30PM, as I was returning home with my mom, who walks with a walker, after her doctor's appointment for a standard check-up. We were minding our own business, not bothering anyone, but throughout the day, ugly old Madonna commissioned criminal conduct that kept popping up.

The attempted vehicular homicide incident was a set up. We were being driven home from my mom's doctor's appointment. One car, a bluish/dark gray sedan quickly and aggressively cut off the vehicle we were in, while trying to angle it in place.

Then another vehicle ran the light at about 80 MPH, in violation of the speed limit, and was inches away from slamming into us (we had the right of way to turn, the other vehicle did not). The driver of the vehicle we were in quickly slammed the breaks. The other car, a cream colored sedan, came out of nowhere going full speed and was trying to ram into us.

One cut us off (the bluish/gray sedan) and was nudging the vehicle we were in into place (and sped off in seconds) all so the second car (cream colored sedan) could ram our vehicle while barreling through the light.

The quick thinking driver of the vehicle we were in slammed on the breaks, which caused the cream colored sedan to miss hitting us by inches. The driver was in shock. Everyone was in shock (can't say I was surprise though with what Madonna has disgustingly and feloniously been commissioning). It was reckless, wicked and intentional. And they both vehicles sped away at top speeds to avoid arrest. It occurred about 2-minutes from my home.

Madonna is an ugly, disgusting, foul old whore. She has no regard for human life. She is an embarrassment and disgrace. If the second vehicle had hit us, it would have been a gory, gruesome and terrible accident, due to how fast the second sedan was speeding down the road.

It was a brazen and vicious murder attempt that could have ended in a very bloody and gory manner with catastrophic bodily injury, due to how fast he was going. It would have been a gruesome and bloody collision. What a dirty person Madonna is to be commissioning crime after crime. She is gutter trash and completely disgusting to be doing these evil, abhorrent things. She is such a loser.

Madonna's Hollywood cult also continues to hack my computers, send a stream of harassing phone calls to my mobile phone everyday, and continue to follow and approach me in public places, among other things, which are serious stalking crimes.

However, as the good word says, "You reap what you sow." God doesn't like ugly and these crimes are going to come back to her. They've already been coming back to her just as she did to me, regarding damaging my career and calling sponsors like Gibson, among others, demanding they not work with me.

Madonna's career then died and many sponsors dropped her. As the good word says, "You reap what you sow." She's also been dropped from many industry projects, as they are embarrassed and disgraced by what she has been doing. As the good word says, "You reap what you sow."

Americans and international citizens have denounced Madonna to me over her sick conduct towards me. People are appalled by her sick behavior and have been and continue to boycott her career, as I asked the public to do, over her horrific crimes against me [The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)].

But make no mistake, God will bring full justice in this matter, as I'm an innocent person, have done her no harm and she is trying to thwart all the good I have been doing regarding charity, copyrights and science patents to help disease sufferers (see original articles I authored on disease that later proved true). She's not getting away with anything. God sees all and her evil conduct will continue to come back to her at God's Hands.


The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

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