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New York Times States Collapse Of Surfside Building Is Due To Issue That Occurred Underneath The Structure Confirming Previous Claims

July 22. 2021

New York Times tweet on Twitter.com

On June 24, 2021, I stated on Twitter.com that the Surfside Building collapse, regarding the Chaplain Towers on Miami Beach, was due to something that occurred underneath the building. 4-days later the New York Times published an article stating they had a dozen engineers look at items concerning photos of the collapsed tower and they came to the conclusion that something "in or below the underground parking garage" caused the collapse of the Champlain Towers. This confirmed my previous claims.

My tweet on Twitter.com days prior

On June 24, 2021, I also tweeted on Twitter.com that the building needed to be demolished. 2-weeks later the Champlain Towers was demolished by the government, as it had begun creaking and swaying during the rescue, jeopardizing other lives. This too confirmed my previous claims that the whole structure had to be demolished.

My tweet on Twitter.com days prior

Recently, the NBC 6 news channel’s program “6 In The Mix” did an investigation and discovered in 2018 Morabito Consultants, Inc, of Sparks, Maryland, had originally quoted the Champlain Towers $9,128,433.60 to repair the building.

The Champlain Towers before:

It was declined due to residents’ “sticker shock” as it would increase what they would have to pay monthly. Each resident would be assessed a fee of approximately $100,000 each, some $300,000, amortized over the course of 180 months.

The Champlain Towers after:

Six of seven members of the condo board resigned due to the issue. 20-months later in 2020, the condo association inquired again and Morabito Consultants, Inc, had raised the price from $9,128,433.60 to $14,980,117.88. That is a significant sum of money to ask, especially after recently purchasing a unit and the structural issues were not disclosed in the inspection report.

Calls from the Champlain tower after it collapsed:

In April of 2021, the condo board president stated, “Indeed the observable damage such as in the garage has gotten significantly worse since the initial inspection. When you can visually see the concrete spalling (cracking), that means that the rebar holding it together is rusting and deteriorating beneath the surface.”


Surfside official was sent disturbing report. He told board condo was ‘in good shape’

June 27, 2021 09:20 PM, - The death toll from the building collapse in Surfside, Florida, rose to nine on Sunday, June 27, as search and rescue efforts continued. A month after an engineer’s report flagged “major structural damage” at Champlain Towers South, the chief building official for the town of Surfside told residents the condominium was “in very good shape,” according to minutes from a November 2018 board meeting obtained by the Miami Herald.

Ross Prieto, who left the post last year, had reviewed the engineer’s report, the minutes say. Records show condo board member Mara Chouela forwarded a copy to him two days earlier. An email posted on the town’s website shows that Chouela sent Prieto two reports: the “structural field survey report” by engineer Frank Morabito of Morabito Consultants detailing the building’s structural deficiencies, and a mechanical and electrical engineering report by Thomas E. Henz. P.E.

And it was Chouela who introduced Prieto at the meeting with five of the seven board members, along with property manager Alexandria Santamaria, condo board lawyer Marilyn Perez and interested residents who had gathered in the building’s recreation room...


Condo collapse near Miami: 'Third World' building collapse front page news in Latin America

With South Americans constituting a significant percentage of the missing, the condominium tragedy that unfolded Thursday in Surfside was a top story for news organization websites across the hemisphere.

A day after the stunning building collapse, the website of ABC Color in Asuncion, Paraguay, reported, "No word on missing Paraguayans." Among the missing are the sister and brother-in-law of the country's first lady, Sophia López Moreira, along with the couple's three children.

La Capital in Rosario, Argentina, posted this headline: "Miami: they found an Argentine alive and are looking for nine others in the collapse of a building." La Capital reported that two Argentinian actors, Gimena Accardi and Nicolás Vázquez, were staying in the building but were able to escape to safety.




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