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Satanic Rapper Lil Nas Labeled A Pedophile After Stating He Wants To Rape His 3-Year-Old Nephew

April 6. 2021

Lil Nas and his "Satan Shoes" that resulted in a lawsuit by Nike for copyright infringement and dilution. The devil worshipper stole the Nike Air Max sneaker (trainers) and added satanic pentagrams, blasphemous upside down crosses and human blood in the sole of the shoe (which is symbolic of the sick occult practice of a blood sacrifice)

Satanic rapper Lil Nas is being slammed for pedophilic tweets he made from one of his Twitter accounts. It has been confirmed that Lil Nas perversely and alarmingly tweeted on the site Twitter, "I wanna fu*k my nephew so bad but he only  years old :(."

Lil Nas is sick and contemptible. What's worse is his debut single "Old Town Road" targeted kids, who became his main audience, due to the simple, child like rhyme scheme of the song. Lil Nas was fully aware his audience is comprised of mostly kids, then he sprang satanism on them, which enraged parents (Lil Nas Sued By Nike Over Copyright Infringing Satanic Shoes Containing Human Blood And Slammed For Ripping Off Music Video By FKA Twigs).

James Charles promoting fellow Hollywood cult satanist Lil Nas on Twitter. "Birds of a feather flock together" as the phrase goes.

Lil Nas and his friend James Charles are a part of Hollywood's attempt at mainstreaming pedophilia, with the demonic hope it will be accepted by the public. It is also present on streaming services such as Netflix (Netflix See Massive Drop In Subscriptions Due To Boycott Caused By Its Pedophilic Film 'Cuties').

However, people are disgusted by it and pushing back against such attempts at trying to normalize the sick, criminal conduct that is pedophilia. Hollywood is taking a financial hit for trying to mainstream pedophilia, as the public cancels those promoting and or engaging in such sick behavior.


Lil Nas X Talks About Incest And Raping A 3-Year-Old Relative 😳 – UH OK!

April 2, 2021 - Lil Nas X is pushing hard with this brand of...art, but old tweets have him looking crazier. Lil Nas X has entered a new chamber. A lot of people have had something to say about the rapper (is he a rapper?). Is he a Satanist? Is he gay? Is he a part of the illuminati? Did he sell his soul? These questions and many others are slowly but surely being answered.

But, there is the matter of numerous old accounts that Lil Nas X has used in the past. We know this. BUT there are some pretty mortifying stuff in those accounts. In one of his previous accounts, the young, soon-to-be-famous artist, said that he wanted to have sex with his three-year-old nephew.

Obviously most of us were not on Lil Nas X at that time, but main stream media has even picked up on this so I am going to assume they did their due diligence. And then there is his actual account, which in 2019, he talks about incest being illegal – But upset that it is not legal yet, people. Now, this particular tweet is still alive and on his present account...


Lil Nas X Troubling Tweet About His Nephew Resurfaces As Demi Lovato Unfollows

Published 7 days ago - Singer Demi Lovato has unfollowed rapper Lil Nas X after old tweets he wrote mocking her weight emerged. It comes after the "Old Town Road" performer came under fire for his "Satan Shoes" and "demonic" new music video.

Lovato shared on her Instagram stories that: "Hurt Is No Excuse For Hate," after Lil Nas X also accused her of exchanging sex for success. Before the Grammy winner hit the big time, he posed under a series of fake accounts. Disturbingly, one tweet sees him writing: "I wanna f*** my nephew so bad but he only 3 years old :(."

Lil Nas X wrote under numerous pseudonyms including @boyi_inventedu. His homophobic and racist tweets also blasted celebrities like Lil Kim, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé - and even her daughter Blue Ivy.

In 2019, New York Magazine presented strong evidence to suggests the rapper was also behind Twitter account @Nasmaraj. The publication points to Reddit user "u/NasMaraj" that frequently promoted Lil Nas X's music...



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