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Spin Doctors For The Queen Are Using The Narrative That Prime Minister Boris Johnson Lied To Her About The Unpopular Proroguing Of Parliament But Is That Really True

September 18. 2019

The Royal Family

Queen Elizabeth II of England gave destructive prime minister, Boris Johnson, royal consent to prorogue the British Parliament, as he fights to ram through the very financially damaging no-deal Brexit (Britain’s exit from the European Union). The decision was met with outrage in Britain. People took to the internet in large numbers to slam the Queen’s decision. People also took to the streets to peacefully protest. Now that proroguing Parliament has proven very unpopular with the masses, the Queen’s spin doctors are attempting to distance her from it, in stating Johnson lied to her about it.

However, what could he really have lied to the Queen about regarding Brexit. You’d have to be living under a rock in Britain to not notice the massive public opposition to Brexit. The British people have done a u-turn, as Brexit is financially and socially damaging their nation. In fact, when those in favor of Brexit have done marches in London, a small number of people have shown up, as seen on the news. A pro-Brexit march, led by racist politician, Nigel Farage, had only 50 people show up. Another pro-Brexit march had 700 far-right people show up.

pro-Brexit march with small turnout

However, when those opposing Brexit have marched in London, several hundred thousand to one million people have shown up, right there in the Queen’s back and front yards. How could she have missed that. Furthermore, these marches were extensively covered on the news in Britain and around the world. Once again, how could the Queen have missed that.

It is clear, it's no longer the will of the British people to leave the European Union. The majority now wish to remain in the European Union, now that they have all the facts Johnson and his fellow Tory politicians hid from them and lied about when he promoted Brexit in 2016. It was a deceitfully won vote in 2016 that has brought financial trouble on Britain.

pro-Brexit march had very few people

Recently, many on social networking blamed the Queen’s decision to grant consent to Johnson to prorogue Parliament, on the fact her son, Prince Andrew, is currently caught up in a pedophilia scandal, regarding disgraced and deceased New York businessman, Jeffrey Epsteitn. Prince Andrew spent time at Epstein’s homes, where he illegally kept underage girls, some as young as age 12, against their will, and sexually abused them. Epstein's rich and famous friends also sexually abused the young girls.

Some of the girls are now speaking out and stating some of Epstein’s rich and famous friends such as Prince Andrew and former U.S. President Bill Clinton sexually abused them as well, in acts of human trafficking and pedophilia. Both men denied the claims. Epstein reportedly killed himself in jail, while awaiting trial on charges he engaged in the human trafficking of underage girls that he sexually abused and offered up to his rich and famous friends to do the same.

The remain march that is against Brexit saw one million people turnout

Epstein’s lawyer stated he did not kill himself, but had injuries consistent with murder. It is widely being stated Epstein was involved in a cabal and others involved in his conspiratorial conduct became afraid he would turn their names over to the prosecution for less or no jail time. Hence the belief in America that he was murdered.

One of the underage girls that was sexually abused, who is now an adult, stated Prince Andrew sexually abused her at Epstein’s residences. She posted a photo she took in Epstein’s house with Prince Andrew, when she was an underage girl. She also filed a police complaint against Prince Andrew and a lawsuit in civil court. She has done a number of interviews about the subject.

The massive remain march in Britain in support of staying in the European Union

People on Twitter are alleging the Queen granted Johnson consent to prorogue Parliament, as a means of getting Prince Andrew off the front page of newspapers in the Epstein pedophilia scandal and as an assurance he won’t be criminally prosecuted in Britain. The British people are very angry over what is transpiring in the scandal regarding Prince Andrew and based on what they have written online, doubt his innocence.

I have to state, a person can know someone and not be aware the individual is a pedophile, as people do things in secret that others do not know about in any measure. However, the fact that Prince Andrew began consorting with Epstein again, after his first pedophilia conviction in Florida in 2008 (Prince Andrew is pictured above walking and talking with Epstein in New York in 2009) doesn't look good. One of the victims of Epstein's sexual abuse also stated in the mainstream press that Prince Andrew stayed at Epstein's New York home for days, getting massages from underage girls. This is very troubling especially considering Epstein was getting massages from 12-year-old girls then having sex with them (Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Given 3 Poor 12-Year-Old Girls As Birthday Present).

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein walking in New York in 2009 after his conviction in criminal court as a pedophile soliciting sex from a minor

The British people are also expressing their displeasure with the Queen for granting Johnson consent to suspend Parliament at such a critical time, which gives him a terrible advantage in his attempts at trying to ram through a no-deal Brexit. This would result in terrible financial and social problems in Britain, who is not prepared for such a scenario. It's extremely difficult to prepare for food and medicine shortages to a nation of 65 million people, import and export delays that could ruin products. There would also be issues with commerce concerning aviation, sea ports and motorways.

My sincere concern is the British people are being financially damaged by Brexit and Tory austerity. Many of them will not be able to afford housing and food if Brexit goes through, as they area already having hardships in this respect, due to unnecessarily harsh Tory and excessively austere government political policies. There are already 4,000,000 British children living in poverty, and 320,000 homeless in Britain, which occurred under Tory politicians, such as David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson (The Brexit Policies Of Prime Minister Boris Johnson Is Wreaking Havoc On The British Economy). The royals and Tory politicians won't suffer financially as they are rich. They will not wonder where their next meal is coming from, but many of the British people will, as Brexit is estimated to send food costs up and cost the economy 2,000,000 jobs. That's real people who will be out of work and struggling to care for themselves and their families.

Boris Johnson

At the end of the day, Parliament should not have been prorogued as it is undemocratic and the royals should not have been consorting with people like Epstein or another rapist, movie producer Harvey Weinstein, among others. They love publicity, and being featured in films and the press, and it is proving to be their undoing. They had enough press just being royals. They should have satisfied with that. Now they are in the unenviable position of trying to explain to the public why their circle has rapists and pedophiles (Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Jay Z, Madonna).

Side Bar: I've been predicting for over a year on this site that Britain will end up abolishing the monarchy and with all the scandals transpiring concerning the royals these past few weeks, such as Jeffrey Epstein and the Queen granting consent to prorogue Parliament, it is definitely on track to happen. They royals are their own worst enemy.


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