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The Justice Department Blames The FBI For Illegally Obtained Warrants To Spy On Carter Page During The Election

February 3. 2020

Lawbreaking former FBI employees, James Comey, Robert Mueller and Andrew McCabe

The U.S. Justice Department has blamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for criminally spying on Carter Page, who was a top adviser to former candidate-turned-president, Donald Trump. Despite former FBI Director James Comey previously denying the whole story, he was shown to be a liar, via the latest Inspector General‘s report.

The Inspector General's report and the ruling of the court revealed, "The FBI omitted from the court key details that undercut their original premise about Page, who has denied any wrongdoing and was never charged as part of the investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign."

In fact, the report uncovered the fact the FBI knew Page was a CIA asset, was warning by their sister agency to stop, but continued to illegally spy on him, to gain inside information on the Trump campaign. The information was then unlawfully shared with then President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among other Democrats, while they schemed to steal the Democratic nomination from senator Bernie Sanders, who was and is far more deserving of the honor.

It all blew up in their faces when Clinton failed to beat Trump, who won on a grassroots campaign. The moral of the story is don’t cheat, but it is one that has not gotten through to select Democrats, as they are conspiring to rob Sanders of the nomination again.

Carter Page

Let’s be honest here. The root of this whole investigation was two adulterous FBI employees, who became enraged at the prospect of someone becoming president, Trump, who was not their chosen candidate, Clinton. They acted improperly and outside the law, as the FBI often does, in tandem with then President Barack Obama, to illegally spy on the Trump campaign via Carter.

I don’t care what one thinks of Trump, at the end of the day, elections are supposed to be fair and decided by the public, not scheming, corrupt FBI employees, who gave the incumbent an open and undue advantage, in order to damage the campaign of a rival. It was shameful and un-American. The Democrats involved in the scandal would not want that done to them, yet they did this to others.

Who are you to override the will of the people. It’s just as bad as Justice Scalia using the Supreme Court to steal the 2000 presidential election for George W. Bush, who had firmly lost to rival Al Gore. Why are some so power hungry that they can’t let the public decide who they want as head of state. God doesn’t like ugly. People who cheat others out of their rightful place in history pay a terrible price for it at God’s Hands.


Justice Department ADMITS that warrants to spy on Carter Page were improperly renewed and that there was not enough evidence to continue surveilling the former Trump adviser

Published: 20:01 EST, 23 January 2020 | Updated: 23:41 EST, 23 January 2020 - The Justice Department has concluded that it had 'insufficient predication' to continue spying on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, according to an order made public Thursday by a secretive intelligence court.

The FBI obtained a warrant during the 2016 campaign to eavesdrop on Page on suspicions that he was secretly a Russian agent. The Justice Department renewed the warrant three times, including during the early months of the Trump administration.

But the Justice Department's inspector general has harshly criticized the FBI's handing of those applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It says the FBI omitted from the court key details that undercut their original premise about Page, who has denied any wrongdoing and was never charged as part of the investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The FBI obtained a warrant during the 2016 campaign to eavesdrop on Page (above) on suspicions that he was secretly a Russian agent - though such claim was never proven…

After the inspector general report, the surveillance court issued a rare and extraordinary public order saying the FBI had submitted 'unsupported' information when it applied to eavesdrop on Page. 'The Court understands the government to have concluded, in view of the material misstatements and omissions, that the Court's authorizations ... were not valid,' Boasberg wrote…



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