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Theresa May's Appalling Treatment Of Foreign Doctors, Scientists, IT Specialists And Students Is Damaging The British Economy To The Tune Of Billions

May 21. 2018

Theresa May

More news has leaked regarding the xenophobic, financially harmful behavior of Prime Minister Theresa May, who has been blocking the visas of foreign doctors, whose services were sought by the British National Health Service (NHS). May has been exposed in the news for denying thousands of doctors, nurses and scientists entry into Britain, regarding job offers they were given by British businesses, who needed their expertise.

The Independent newspaper in London stated, "Among the 6,080 refusals over the four-month period, 1,518 related to doctor posts and 361 to other healthcare professional roles, 1,226 to jobs in IT and technology, 392 engineering roles, 197 teachers, 1,814 professional services and 572 to other professions."

CaSE executive director Sarah Main stated, “These figures show the scale of the problem and the urgency to find a solution. Across the country, businesses and public services are being blocked at the last hurdle from recruiting the people they need, including in health, engineering and tech, due to the visa cap. This leaves employers frustrated and the public poorly served."

Main further stated, "The cap is beginning to cause damage and it needs to be addressed quickly. In the immediate term, shortage and PhD level roles should be made exempt from the cap. This would be in line with the priority already afforded to these roles and would create the headroom for other vital roles. In the long term, an immigration system for a global Britain that supports research and innovation should not feature a cap on the international specialists we want to attract.”

Xenophobic, hateful May rejected the visas of well qualified, highly skilled foreigners, because of the self-proclaimed, self-defeating “hostile environment” she has created for immigrants in Britain. As a result of May's "hostile environment" British businesses, the NHS, and by default Britons, are suffering. As stated on the site earlier in the month, a government report revealed 10,000 more Britons than usual died in Britain in the first few months of the year, due to May's terrible policies, regarding healthcare cuts.

Many of the qualified applicants whose visas were turned down by May, are Indian people, who make up a large segment of the British Commonwealth (1.3 billion Indians in the Commonwealth). India's economy has also surpassed Britain's, due to growth in their nation and massive financial losses in Britain created by Cameron, then May, via her "hard Brexit" (Brexit is Britain's pending departure from the European Union, which is a financial mistake).

I am not an Indian. Therefore, I state the following with no bias. The Indians are excellent doctors and they also know the tech sector (IT) better than anyone. This is why they are able to get jobs anywhere in the world in these fields. May is harming Britain by shutting them and others out, due to her prejudices. May's behavior is dumbfounding, especially when you consider how much India has contributed to Britain over the centuries.

A year ago, I stated Britain needs to create its own tech sector. America has Silicon Valley. India has the Software and Technology Parks of India (STPI). Britain, a major nation of 65,000,000, invented the internet (Tim Burners-Lee). Yet, Britain has no real tech sector. There are a few scattered companies, but no concentrated tech sector. It makes sense that Britain should have its own tech sector. Indians could greatly help with this endeavor. Yet, May is shutting Indians and others out, for no other reason than racism.

Thanks to this hatefulness May has been engaging in for several years, while she was Home Secretary and now as Prime Minister, Britain is behind. Even on a basic level, look how many Brits complain about their internet connect times. With the kind of money that flows through Britain, the nation should have had its own tech sector already. However, complacency has kicked in and lulled politicians like May into a false sense of security.

Politicians like May have relied too much on British banking and real estate for revenues, which exponentially increased in value due to the European Union making London its main financial hub. The Brexit vote prevailing in 2016, has already driven down home prices and cost the British banking sector jobs, some of which have been relocated to Germany.

The NHS, who are doing great work in providing free healthcare to Britons, has been under-funded by Cameron and his successor May. The NHS is bursting at the seams, due to the population increase in Britain. Under Cameron and then May, funding has not kept up with population growth and currently sits at its lowest financial levels.

The NHS took proactive steps to remedy the staff shortage problem, in applying for visas for medical professionals from British Commonwealth nations, such as India, where they are well trained and speak English. However, May inexcusably blocked the visas the NHS applied for under the proper legal channels. May’s xenophobia is as such that she is willing to risk the health and lives of Britons to keep foreigners out of Britain. Hence the additional 10,000 deaths in Britain for the first few months of the year. That is very alarming. That is a sad and tragic statistic. Parliament needs to rein May in.

May wants to keep Britain as British and white as possible. However, to train a British doctor/specialist takes a total of 7-10 years (which is on par with international community training times). To train a British nurse takes 2-3 years (which is also on par with international community training times). Nonetheless, the standard medical training times are something the NHS and the unwell in Britain cannot currently afford. They need more help now. Visas for foreign doctors and nurses need to be approved as soon as possible.

I don’t know what May thinks these foreign doctors are going to do. Doctors are highly intelligent, hard working people. They love to work and are very motivated, responsible people. They make more from working than going on benefits. There’s no rationale to May’s thinking and xenophobic behavior, regarding foreign medical professionals and keeping them out is not good for Britain's health, as there exists a local shortage.

Preventive treatment is also better than waiting for the patient’s condition to significantly worsen, due to longer wait times, via staff shortages from under-funding and visas bans. The British government needs to come up with an incentive program to give British school students a few thousand pounds each as incentive to become a doctor or nurse.

A grant of £3,000 to £5,000 given to British students, in addition to scholarships, to become doctors and nurses (that must be paid back if the student does not complete the degree or leaves Britain within 10-years). That’s a primary way the government could increase the number of British born medical professionals. The same can be said in America and the Caribbean.

We are living in a dumb down generation, where vapid, untalented reality stars such as the Kardashians and Instagram models, who are showing their private parts for money and attention, are what many children are aspiring to in life, which is sad. They want instant fame, money and recognition for things that aren’t actually achievements, because that's what the aforementioned reality stars and Instgram models do, then flaunt the cash and designer items they bought. The entertainment industry is to blame for glorifying this behavior, especially to impressionable preteens and teens. It is not giving kids something real or credible to aspire to in life.

The British government needs to do more to reach students who are about to graduate. If May can pay the DUP party £1 billion pounds to save her job, as she did last year, she can give more money to the NHS and towards creating a medical professional incentive program for students who are about to graduate. The NHS is great. It should be the government’s priority to save it.

In my homeland Jamaica and in America, where I was raised from age 9, there is no universal healthcare system. Jamaica currently can’t afford one (but there are clinics and government hospitals for the poor). Congress in America can afford one, but is too divided to approve it. Since Britain has one in place that has helped so many people, why not try to save it. May’s priorities are all wrong.

Commons Science and Technology Committee chairman Norman Lamb stated the figures regarding immigration visa declinations in Britain, "Send the message that the UK is not interested in welcoming science talent at the moment. The government needs to work quickly to correct that impression."

Cameron and his successor May do not care about medical and scientific advancements. They are wealthy politicians who can pay for the best healthcare from private doctors. They both engaged in highly unethical conduct that proves they could care less, which will be exposed in a forthcoming scandal. I'd even venture to state, it is a matter that will end up in Parliament in a very acrimonious hearing. Neither Cameron or May will be able to explain what they secretly did regarding healthcare, as it is indefensible.

May also wrongly and deliberately deported 40,000 foreign university students who were studying in Britain, falsely accusing them of cheating on an exam. It was later revealed May had the exam rigged when she was Home Secretary, to facilitate the fraudulent deportations. Some students have sued, as they lost their tuition, and their educational and immigration records now have a fraudulent black mark, due to May’s criminal activity via the rigged test. May is abominable for this. I am a black Jamaican. I have African, British, Irish and Brazilian blood in me. I have sympathy for all races. I don’t understand racism. Why would you do this to others.

I have a cousin, who was born and raised in Jamaica. She went to England decades ago to study to become a nurse. She paid her way, got her degree, then left Britain. She did nursing for many years. She saved her money. She bought a home, then flipped it. She bought another home, then flipped it. Then she bought an apartment building. Then she used the income from the apartment building to buy two retirement homes. She gained these things through her education. She didn’t go to Britain to defraud the British people. She paid for her education, plus room, board, food costs and clothing. All the things foreign students do that help to stimulate the British economy.

I have another cousin who is a diplomat’s daughter. She was born in the Caribbean. The family moved to Britain when she was a child, due to her dad’s job as a diplomat. She went to university in Britain, became a doctor, worked very hard and became head of medicine for a borough in London, where millions of people reside. Then, she went on to run two medical practices, which she currently does now. She loves medicine. She has treated thousands of patients. Her life is her kids and her work.

An older family friend I have known since I was 9-years-old, was born and raised in Jamaica. She paid tuition to study nursing in Britain. She left Britain after graduation and practiced nursing for many years. She saved up enough money to open a store, which has done very well for the past 30-years and employs a number of people.

Many Jamaican Prime Ministers and politicians my family knows were educated in Britain, then returned home and ran the country within legally legislated terms. Many Jamaican business people went to university in Britain, returned home and opened their businesses. It’s the same regarding many people in the Caribbean, which is a part of the British Commonwealth. This has been the tradition for several decades. Yet, look at the appallingly bad manner in which May is behaving towards people putting billions of pounds in the British economy, via paying tuition to study in British universities. What on God’s green earth is wrong with her.

If you check international data, many world leaders over the years have been educated in Britain. It’s not just foreigners from the Caribbean, who study at British universities. Over the years, many American, Canadian, Australian and Middle Eastern politicians and businesspeople have gone to university in Britain. It’s an international standard. Some of the top universities in the world are in Britain, such as Oxford, Cambridge and the London School of Economics. The British education system is held in high regard in the world and May is damaging its name and for no reason other than her racism.

Once again, foreign students bring in significant revenues to the British economy, equaling billions of pounds sterling per year. The rules are set up as such, foreign students can’t go to Britain and go on benefits. Their visas do not entitle them to public funds. Yet, here is May needlessly burning bridges in the international community, rigging tests so she can hit her unscientific, xenophobic immigration quotas, regarding population reduction, via figures she pulled out of thin air, then wrongfully and criminally kicked out paying students, who were helping to stimulate the British economy.

What an utterly contemptible, hateful and xenophobic thing to do. May put her hatred of foreigners ahead of the British economy. I hope she’s proud of herself with this foolishness she’s done, because the damage is significant and will forever be attributed to her.

May is clearly not thinking about how her policies and behavior looks. The "go home" vans she had driving through the streets of England, with offensive messages was nasty and not a good look to immigrants or visitors to Britain. The current Windrush scandal and stories of May illegally booting people from the European Union, as well as blocking visas for much need Indian medical, science and IT specialists, are not good.

May has sent the terrible message to the Commonwealth, a collective of 2 billion people, and the European Union, a bloc of 500,000,000, that we are not welcome in Britain. It is a message that is not good for the British economy or Britain's name in the world. She had no right to do this and on behalf of 65,000,000 Britons she didn't ask first before she did this madness.

But which nation's citizens would agree to their government offending nearly 3 billion of their friends and allies around the world, damaging the prospects of the country's economy to the tune of billions of pounds and running off needed medical, science and IT professionals, who could bring in greater national revenues and give the nation a more competitive edge in medicine, science and technology. Which country do you know of that asks its politicians to make it poorer. Not a one.

Let's get a few things straight. Neither Cameron or May built Britain into the financial success it has become in modern times (though a reversal of fortune has begun due to Brexit). British businesses and the nation's many citizens and residents created these financial successes, which the European Union aided in as well, via investments and trade. Cameron and May had no right to be reckless in rendering damaging decisions that are changing the financial climate of the nation.

I am genuinely concerned for the financial future of Britain. May is operating under the same disgraceful, highly irresponsible premise she used regarding immigrants in Windrush "deport first, let them appeal it after" when she wrongly kicks legals out of the country, and is applying it to Brexit as well, regarding getting out of the EU, with the attitude of so what if Britain doesn't have a deal. She is determined to push through a "hard Brexit" even if it financially decimates Britain. Something is not right there. Such recklessness and lack of concern with the consequences of one's choices is a red flag.

A true politician is supposed to be a visionary, who thinks steps ahead of each decision made, carefully pondering its potential outcome, as he or she is responsible for the health, wealth and survival of a nation. A true politician doesn't "shoot first, then ask questions later" as the phrase goes. That's a recipe for disaster.


Theresa May's 'arbitrary' visa scheme denies entry to thousands of foreign doctors, engineers and scientists with UK job offers

Cap leaves ‘employers frustrated and the public poorly served’, experts say

Theresa May introduced limits on Tier 2 visas in 2011 while home secretary. Thousands of skilled foreign workers with job offers in the UK were denied entry due to Theresa May’s “arbitrary” visa scheme, it has been revealed. More than 6,000 visa applications from professionals including scientists, IT specialists and doctors were refused over a period of just three months between December and March.

The refusals were the result of an annual limit of 20,700 so-called Tier 2 visas introduced in 2011 while Ms May was home secretary. It is understood the limit had been breached only once before, in 2015, when 66 engineering roles were turned down. The Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE), which obtained the figures from a Freedom of Information request to the Home Office, said the “arbitrary” cap was leaving thousands of vital roles unfilled and damaging productivity, public services, business confidence and the UK’s international reputation.

The figures emerged as the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee announced plans to develop its own proposals for new immigration rules for scientists after Brexit. Among the 6,080 refusals over the four-month period, 1,518 related to doctor posts and 361 to other healthcare professional roles, 1,226 to jobs in IT and technology, 392 engineering roles, 197 teachers, 1,814 professional services and 572 to other professions...



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