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Florida Governor Ron DeDantis Is Sinister And Heartless

September 29. 2021

Ron DeSantis

Florida's Ron DeSantis is regularly proclaimed America's most hated governor, as seen in newspapers and on social networking. DeSantis is sinister, scheming and heartless. DeSantis was slammed in Florida newspapers for arrogantly rejecting $820 million in food stamps for poor, underprivileged kids in Florida who are below the poverty line (Parents Prevail In Court Against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Mask Ban (Video)). Other Republican governors took the money for poor kids in their states. DeSantis cockily turned it down without asking any of the parents in the state. Taking food out of the mouths of hungry children is disgusting. Last week he reversed course due to widespread backlash in Florida.

DeSantis also cut the extra food stamps that were being given to medically needy and financially impoverished Floridians during the pandemic. Many are sick and disabled, some have lost their jobs, others are below the poverty line. The money came from Congress and DeSantis arrogantly terminated it, financially damaging millions in the state of Florida.

Prior to these events DeSantis cut off the $300 per week in unemployment benefits people were getting in the state of Florida. Other states continued it, but DeSantis terminated it, leaving vulnerable, unemployed people without the funds they need to survive (pay rent/mortgage, food and utilities until they find a new job). He erroneously thought it would get more people back to work, but MSNBC revealed it did not. So, all DeSantis did was damage Floridians who are already traumatized by the coronavirus and losing their jobs. DeSantis conduct in this regard resulted in dozens of lawsuits being filed against the state.

Speaking of that, many people in the State of Florida who were entitled to unemployment benefits beginning in 2020, due to lockdowns and job losses, did not get it. DeSantis did not want to pay and in many cases did not do so.

For example, a mentally disabled client of a State of Florida company my mom works for only received one month's worth of unemployment checks. Never mind he paid unemployment insurance for over 25-years, while being gainfully employed for 25-YEARS at one of Florida's top tourists attractions.

He has worked so hard for years at the job he loves, but the famous tourist attraction was understandably closed for 1-year due to coronavirus (from March 2020 to March 2021) and he only received 1-month's worth of checks from DeSantis. It was a struggle keeping his bills afloat. This is the story of many Floridians under DeSantis' mismanagement of Florida's finances.

What did you do with everyone's unemployment funds, DeSantis. Why were so many Floridians made to suffer while you did not send out their unemployment checks. It was even on the local news channels in Miami that during the coronavirus pandemic Floridians fell into foreclosure and lost their houses while waiting for unemployment checks they were owed, then ended up living on their family and friends' sofas. This should not have happened. DeSantis failed the people of Florida.

Then, there's this embarrassing fiasco, regarding DeSantis issuing $1,000 bonus checks to the teachers and firefighters in Florida, and many of them bouncing (Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Issued Checks To Teachers And Firefighters That Bounced). It should be noted, it is a crime to bounce checks in the State of Florida.

All of the aforementioned, publicly documented incidents are prima facie evidence DeSantis is not looking out for the best interests of the everyday Floridian. He's looking out for the best interests of the rich. It doesn't matter which party you belong to, the evidence has shown DeSantis' behavior is dismissive of the working class and a danger to 99% of Floridians.

DeSantis failed to send many unemployment checks that were due. DeSantis didn't have to terminate the $300 per week in unemployment benefits, the food stamps from Congress for poor kids, the extra coronavirus relief food stamps from Congress for the disabled and poverty stricken adults in the state, but he brazenly did, like it was money coming out of his pocket when it is not, all in conduct that acts against the best interests of the majority of Floridians. What it says is Floridians cannot rely on him for help during a crisis and make no mistake the entire state is in crisis. He should not be governor.

DeSantis Framing People

DeSantis has made innocent people the fall guy in frame-ups, bringing criminal charges against individuals in matters where it was not warranted.  DeSantis framed female scientist, Rebekah Jones, because she exposed the fact he has been covering up the true number of COVID deaths in the State of Florida. He began having her threatened and bullied, then arrested for all sorts of foolishness, where the charges don't even make any sense (and he's a lawyer). Jones lost her job because she wouldn't falsify records for DeSantis. The falsification of data in reference to deaths is a federal crime.

Under congressional law, Jones should have been protected as a whistleblower. Serious questions need to be asked in a formal, legislative setting as to why she was allowed to be harassed and bullied by DeSantis for speaking the truth about his corruption. He politicized the coronavirus and to the detriment of Floridians. This is how he earned the name DeathSantis on social networking.

Scientists need the raw data, not manipulated numbers, to properly address the health crisis. Producing false numbers is harmful to the public and science in general. Additionally, the real, ongoing death toll from COVID should have been published from the start as a wake up call to the public to take this insidious virus seriously, as their lives are depending on it. Keep wearing masks, sanitizing your hands and social distancing during the pandemic (even if you are vaccinated). Be safe out there.

Seeking a fall guy for the law enforcement failures in the Marjorie Stoneman High School mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 students and teachers dead at the hands of psychopathic 19-year-old, Nikolas Cruz, DeSantis framed up Broward Schools Superintendent, Robert Runcie, on sketchy charges that don't even make sense (Cowardly And Corrupt FBI Makes Black Man Robert Runcie The Fall Guy For Their Criminal Negligence In The Parkland School Mass Shooting (Videos)).

Runcie's county was given money for the schools and that is what he used the funds on. However, Broward county is not a place known for school mass shootings, especially wealthy Parkland. They were doing fine with the level of security they had for years prior to Cruz's sick mass shooting.

DeSantis, seeking a fall guy, orchestrated charges essentially complaining that more of the funds should have been used on security than educational matters (I guess DeSantis wants the kids in Florida to be dunce like him). Essentially that's what the charges boil down to in the case.

DeSantis has attacked a highly capable and very effective school superintendent, who graduated a record number of students, opting to making a black man the fall guy for the FBI's failures in the case (The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People and FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page).

Sheriff Scott Israel also lost his job over something that was not his fault in this case. At the end of the day, two credible people reported Cruz to the FBI as dangerous and plotting criminal acts. However, the FBI disregarded it, when they had two opportunities to detain Cruz in Florida under the Baker Act. Once mental health officials saw the violent items he was posting online (which caused the referral to the FBI) and did a full psych evaluation, they would have committed Cruz to a mental asylum, thus preventing the mass shooting.

A very credible person alleged certain items to me recently about DeSantis that completely appalled me. The individual revealed just how corrupt DeSantis is in setting people up for crimes, in order to arrest and lock them away for financial and political gain. Someone like DeSantis should not be governor. DeSantis is completely corrupt.

DeSantis is going to set up the wrong person and end up in a massive amount of legal trouble. I was credibly informed DeSantis has more plans in the pipeline regarding this corrupt breed of behavior. I predict at the current rate, DeSantis is going to push his luck and end up in front of Congress over his corrupt behavior, sat there struggling to control his bowels.

DeSantis' Finances

Mr. DeSantis, let's discuss your expense account. Can you account for everything you've spent and show the public it was for valid, government related business and nothing related to personal expenses for you, your family and friends.

Mr. DeSantis, have you deposited any money abroad.

Mr. DeSantis, rumors are rife in the State of Florida that you're taking kickbacks. People are making this allegation. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you.

Mr. DeSantis, why are you pushing Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatments and centers that cost thousands per patient for treatment, placing an undue burden on Medicare and Medicaid (also known as the taxpayers) when a simple, monthly $10 box of 50 surgical masks can prevent COVID. However, you are so virulently anti-mask, you're will to risk the health and lives of kids and their teachers in the State of Florida. Teachers are barely getting paid anything and DeSantis is willing to risk their lives on top of that.

Is it because the biggest investor in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., a company known as Citadel, owns $15.9 million in shares therein, and its CEO, Ken Griffin, is one of your biggest donors, as was exposed by the Associated Press and other well-established media outlets. The Associated Press reported GRIFFIN GAVE DESANTIS $10,500,000.

Furthermore, you really think it's a good look flying around the State of Florida in luxury on taxpayer money to promote a so-so medical treatment that isn't the answer to COVID, otherwise the deaths would have stopped many months ago by simply receiving Regeneron treatments.

Isn't it an established medical fact that some people who received Regeneron treatments died of COVID anyway.

Stop lying to the people on the political right about Regeneron. It has helped some people, but many died anyway after the treatments. Stop pushing it as a cure-all and doing so on taxpayer money and time. It is corrupt and a conflict of interests that calls your ethics, or should I state lack thereof, into question. The State of Florida is not paying you to be a pharmaceutical salesman (watch, he's gonna be selling Avon and Mary Kay on people's doorsteps next, rather than doing his job as governor).

In closing, just remember, as the phrase goes, "God doesn't like ugly." The things you do to others God will bring back around to you. As the Bible says "You reap what you sow." I've seen it happen to unethical people countless times. Don't think you're any different because you became governor after a zillion recounts.

As stated previously on the site, the Republicans need to replace DeSantis. His behavior is outrageous and appalling. He's even at odds with elected Republicans in the State of Florida. He can't even get along with his own party. How do you expect him to get along with the public. Most Floridians want him out. He's polling very poorly with a 70% disapproval rating.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Mask Free Policies Being Blamed For The Worst Coronavirus Surge Of The Pandemic

Parents Prevail In Court Against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Mask Ban (Video)




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