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U.S. President Donald Trump Acquitted In Impeachment Trial

Acquittal Hands Democrats Nancy Pelosi And Joe Biden A Massive Blow

February 7. 2020

President Donald Trump holding up newspaper regarding his acquittal

The U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump during his impeachment trial. He has been cleared on charges of obstruction of Congress, regarding his interactions with the Ukraine. At a prayer breakfast in Washington yesterday, Trump referred to rival Democrat politicians who pushed for his impeachment as "vicious people" "evil" "dishonest and corrupt" and "lousy politicians" who "stick together like glue."

On October 3rd of last year, before the trials even began, I warned in an article, "Democrats Impeachment Bid Against President Donald Trump Must Meet Litmus Test Or It Will Fail" because I firmly believed the impeachment would fail and now 4-months later that is what has happened. In the article 4-months ago I stated:

"Many are acting on emotion, as the environment in America is very politically charged. Bare in mind, the Mueller investigation already failed and was very anticlimactic, damaging high profile Democrats who were making assurance of taking Trump down. The Democrats face a difficult case. If their case suffers from a lack of evidence and is largely hinged on hearsay, the impeachment will fail. It must meet the required litmus test, as impeaching a president is very serious.

Side Bar: Congress needs to be very frugal with taxpayer money on this inquiry, because if they spend millions like Mueller did ($25,000,000) and come up with nothing, the American people are going to be very upset at another failure."

The whole thing was a colossal waste of time and taxpayer money. It was such a huge distraction on both sides. Time that could have been spent growing the economy and tending to other serious matters, was spent verbally brawling in Congress. It was so acrimonious and in the end Trump won.

This was a political loss for the Democrats and has harmed their favored candidate, Joe Biden, who it was done in support of, in the lead up to the presidential election. Now other Democrats are outpolling Biden by a wide margin. Bernie Sanders is leading again and I do believe he deserves the nomination. He is the better candidate.

This is the second time Trump has defeated Democrats on a major issue they swore he would be tossed out of office for upon completion. Democratic politicians such as Nancy Pelosi keep getting their base's hopes up, only to fail them at the last rung. You've given him an image of the Teflon Don. Nothing is sticking.

Not to mention, many Americans are hotter than a volcano that their favorite television shows were repeatedly preempted to cut to the impeachment proceedings (LOL). I didn't even watch it because I knew it would fail.


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