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I'm A Judge - Who Needs Congress

I'm A Judge, Who Needs Congress. Sadly that's the attitude of some judges who have made up their own laws and enforced them right from the bench, circumventing Congress, the U.S. Code and any accountability. They make legal what they want legal, irrespective of the law, established procedure and rules of the legislature. 

Beware of any activist judge trying to legislate and enforce their own laws from the bench. The Constitution and the law forbids it and rightfully so, as that is not a judge, but a dictator.

No country can afford to have a judge single-handedly making up their own laws via their court rulings, in open opposition to established law, that enters the docket sheet, court case history and law books, setting precedent, in violation of the law of the land.

If this is to be allowed to continue, a judge could rule, "Hey, let's bring back slavery. Make it legal again. I could use someone to work on my plantation, um I mean property" or "Let's drop the age of consent to 10." 



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