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Barack Obama Keeps Treating President Joe Biden Like A Child And It Shows Who's Really Running The Show In The White House (Videos)

September 5. 2022


Former U.S. President Barack Obama is currently reveling in his unconstitutional third term as President of the United States, calling all the shots in the presidency of his former VP, Joe Biden. It's no secret Biden is suffering from advance stages of dementia and not really in charge at the White House.

Obama has been in the background making all the decisions regarding the Biden administration, but loves the spotlight so much he has made a few public appearances at the White House during Biden's term. This occurred much against the advice of one of Biden's other handlers, U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

They are doing their best to hide it from the Republicans in Congress to avoid a sensationally ugly, but inevitable hearing on the unconstitutionality of what is occurring. However, communications exist between Obama and the Biden White House that give the game away.

"Joe Biden left 'confused and disorientated' at White House event as crowd 'mobbed' Obama" (2022)

I warned from the beginning that this was happening behind the scenes, regarding Obama running the show; then the mainstream press stated the same (Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims and U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The President).

Even the global press has now caught on and it's pretty embarrassing, as Sky News is seen by over 100,000,000 people worldwide in several major nations (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time). What a scam Obama is running. The law of the land, the Constitution, says one can only have two terms as President and he is having three, and greedily seeking a fourth through mentally incapacitated, dementia sufferer Biden, going up for reelection.

The latest video of Obama again ignoring Biden, as seen at the top of the article, is telling. Biden acts like a child seeking the attention and approval of a parent (dementia sufferers often regress to childhood behaviors). In the video, Biden treats Obama like he, Obama, is still the President, in more proof of who is really running the show in the White House. People treat the boss like that, not the assistant. Have you even seen a U.S. President so subservient and scrambling behind anyone like that, and trying to get their attention, as Biden keeps publicly doing regarding Obama. It's cringeworthy and telling, yet  keeps happening. They are barely even hiding it anymore.


Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And Debunked On '60 Minutes' (Confirming Previous Site Claims)

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