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Bisexual Singer Kehlani Expresses Her Anger At Being Slammed By The Gay Community For Having Sex With A Man Who Impregnated Her

November 14. 2018


Bisexual singer Kehlani is speaking of her anger at being attacked by the gay community when she announced last month on social networking that she is 4-months pregnant and is expecting a daughter. Kehlani began a sexual relationship with a member of her band, Javie Young-White, who is also bisexual. She revealed they deliberately tried to create a baby by meeting up for sex before and after shows.

Many lesbians on social networking became enraged and posted a slew of angry and abusive tweets at Kehlani’s accounts. I read the comments and they outright bullied her for having sex with a man and becoming pregnant by him. They slammed her for “sneaking” in penis on the side (I’m cleaning up what they stated, as it was pretty graphic).

It’s troubling that people would tweet abusive statements at a pregnant woman, as reading them could cause fetal distress. Some lesbian women who sent messages to her on social networking were behaving in an obsessive manner like she cheated on them, when she doesn't even know them. That is a very unhealthy attitude to have towards someone you do not know and it clearly caused her, once again a pregnant woman, distress.

Javie and Kehlani

Kehlani recently expressed her dismay at the hate she received from the gay community, “I’ve gotten everything from, ‘I thought she was a lesbian’, to, ‘She was using queerness to promote her career, then went and betrayed us with a man’, to, ‘Her baby father is just a sperm donor.’ I never identified as a lesbian. I’ve always been pansexual. My first mixtape included songs about males, and songs about women.”

She further stated, “I never woke up and decided to be the ‘queer icon’ of the century. Having so much attention on me outside my art already gives me enough anxiety. There are people out there in this community fighting for equality in realer ways than making songs about it and performing at events like I am.”

Last month I wrote on this site regarding Kehlani and the father of her child, “It has some wondering if both are gay for play in Hollywood, which means the industry will give you more jobs.” Some online still retain said view of the couple. However, at the end of the day, no one should be bullied.


Singer Kehlani Shocked by LGBT Reaction to Pregnancy Announcement

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - Singer Kehlani says she is “disheartened” by the LGBT community’s negative reaction to her pregnancy announcement last month. In October, the 23-year-old revealed she had a baby on the way with a member of her band, guitarist Javie Young-White, who is bisexual.

Kehlani tells Nylon magazine that many of her LGBT fans accused her of lying about her sexuality to align herself with the LGBT community for financial reasons...Stars like Kehlani are accused of being ghey for pay — a derogatory term for heterosexuals who pretend to be ghey (or ghey aligned) in order to benefit financially from the ghey community. These people often use ambiguous, vague or made up terms to describe their sexuality, such as “pansexual” “bicurious” or “trysexual.”…



Gay Singer Kehlani Shocks Social Networking By Announcing She Is Pregnant



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