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British And Scottish Supreme Court Rulings Against Prime Minister Boris Johnson Correctly Pronounce His Prorogation Of Parliament Illegal

September 27. 2019

Boris Johnson

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is on a major losing streak in Britain. Johnson lost SIX votes in Parliament of a crushing nature, as MPs (Members of Parliament) fought to avert a financially destructive no-deal Brexit (Britain's departure from the lucrative European Union, a trading bloc of 500,000,000 people).

Then, the Scottish Supreme Court ruled against Johnson regarding prorogating Parliament (suspending). Then, the British Supreme Court ruled against Johnson regarding prorogating Parliament. Calls for Johnson's resignation have greatly intensified since the epic court rulings.

Johnson has only been in office a few short weeks, yet no other Prime Minister in British history has lost so much, so quickly. Both Supreme Courts ruled Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament is illegal. They also stated he lied to the Queen, who granted him consent to implement the prorogation. The Queen has been mum on the matter. Either way, Johnson is in the wrong and has been going around looking deflated. The British people have also been booing him at every turn when he ventures out in public.

In the lead up to the rulings, I stated on this site and on my Twitter page that the prorogation of Parliament is undemocratic. To see prorogation put into practice in this manner was disconcerting. This is one of the most challenging and important times in Britain's political history. Undertaking the wrong course of action will mean many poor people in Britain shall suffer financially and emotionally. Yet, the Prime Minister wanted to recklessly and autocratically proceed without Parliament's input.

Johnson's conduct is having another effect as well. The head of the Scottish government, First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has stated the courts' respective rulings are an indication that Scotland should move forward with an independence vote to secede from Britain.

Sturgeon stated Johnson's behavior "shames his office" and his Tory government is "extreme, out of touch, lawbreaking." She further stated, "It's hard to think of another democratic country in which there has been a more damning verdict on the behavior of a Prime Minister." She is also calling for a general election and Johnson's resignation. Many want the Tory government out of office.

In another Brexit related matter, Johnson's careless conduct in demanding the backstop be scrapped, regarding borderless Northern Ireland and Ireland, is also causing "tension" in the British-Irish relationship, according to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Blair stated, "In my view, the reason we managed to achieve the Good Friday Agreement and create the circumstances of peace in Northern Ireland was because the relationship between Britain and Ireland had improved so much. And because we're both partners in Europe. One of the things that I think is really tragic about the situation is the tension it has injected back into that relationship."

He is correct. Many Irish people are disheartened, dismayed and disappointed. The Tory politicians and their course rhetoric on the backstop is to blame. Johnson's callous conduct and the lack of foresight of his predecessors, Theresa May and David Cameron, is leading to what could become the break up of the United Kingdom, the reunification of Ireland, and Scotland becoming independent. Though, I must state, the idea of Ireland and Northern Ireland unifying is culturally intriguing.

Scotland's leaders stated the nation wants to go independent and would seek to apply to the EU on its own. There also exists a Welsh independence movement, which is gaining momentum. The Tory government's conduct is creating bad feelings all around and could lead to the breaking up of the wealth and political influence that is Britain, which is a real force in the world. I don't want Britain to break-up, but that's not my choice to make.

Brexiteers don't like being lectured on this subject, but their insistence on leaving the European Union and in actually doing so, would set in motion a string of undesirable financial events they'll come to regret. They need to carefully consider what they are doing, as it will negatively impact their nation in a number of ways. Be careful, as the damage will be irreparable.


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