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California Legal System Under Fire Over 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Star Erika Jayne And Her Lawyer Husband Tom Girardi Stealing Millions From His Sick And Injured Clients (Video)

June 16. 2021

The California legal system is under fire for lax oversight of its attorneys. What do you expect from a legal system that is facilitating the fraud of reality star, Kim Kardashian, as she takes the massive shortcut of attempting to become a lawyer through a short internship with no proper accountability.

Kardashian is outrageously forgoing 7-years of university and doing an internship at a law firm that's approximately three hours away from her home. A woman with four kids and a pseudo-career in entertainment is supposedly driving 6-hours to and fro on weekdays for 2-years, to go to an internship and put in a full day's work. I don't believe that.

Kardashaian failed the baby bar exam twice already in this fraudulent quest at faking being a lawyer (Kim Kardashian Failed The Baby Bar Exam Again and Kim Kardashian Failed The Bar Exam After Taking Massive Shortcut In An Attempt At Becoming A Lawyer). If she does manage to corruptly pass the bar, her unwitting clients will get the death penalty for a basic speeding ticket, as Kardashian is an airhead.

"The Housewife and the Hustler" exposed Tom Girardi and his wife Erika Jayne for stealing the settlement money of his sick and inured clients, all so the couple can live lavishly, whilst showing off the stolen wealth on television and the internet like con artists

82-year-old attorney, Tom Girardi, has stolen an estimated $50,000,000 to 80,000,000 from clients' settlement money. Girardi has been funneling tens of millions of dollars to his wife, reality star, Erika Jayne, who appears on the show "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." The criminal misconduct constitutes money laundering, tax fraud, grand theft and conspiracy.

Many complaints were made to the California Bar Association, who did nothing about Girardi's criminal conduct. The California Bar Association has recently admitted wrongdoing in this matter via a released statement.

The "Nightline" news television program aired a statement from the California Bar which read, "An audit of past complaints filed against Attorney Thomas V. Girardi...revealed mistakes made [by the Bar] in some investigations over the many decades of Mr. Girardi's career going back some 40 years."

It gives the impression bribes were involved to look the other way to the many complaints about Girardi's crimes. How else do you explain this. There's no other explanation for such criminal corruption transpiring and for so long. This man got away with stealing millions for decades.

The entire U.S. government from Congress to the Feds to the courts, look the other way to the crimes of the rich and famous, until it becomes a national and global embarrassment like Harvey Weinstein (Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To 23-Years In Prison In New York Rape Trial). Such corruption brings disrepute on the government.

I've noticed the U.S. government has a way of allowing the crimes of the rich and famous to run on for many years, which allows high profile criminals and their families the illegal opportunity to criminally enjoy the spoils of ill-gotten wealth, while disgracing the government to the watching nation and world, who brand them corrupt.

Then, when the rich and famous criminal is old, having enjoyed the trappings of a life of crime, whilst robbing and abusing the poor, all of a sudden the government pretends to be about justice, gives some self-righteous speech and arrests them.

We've seen that with Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Phil Spector, R. Kelly, R. Allen Stanford and Bernard Madoff, among other rich and famous criminals, whom the public complained to the government about for decades and nothing was done till they were old and lived a full life of luxury off robbing and abusing the poor and middle class. There is an undeniable pattern there.

The government is corrupt for this behavior. No one respects it. One search of social networking reveals this. People know you're playing games and some of you in government took financial bribes to look the other way to criminal behavior (members of Congress and the FBI have been caught taking bribes).

You're not fooling anyone with this corrupt practice. The American people deride it online on a regular basis and so does the watching world. The American people are embarrassed by the government corruption and state it everyday on social networking.

Not to mention, ill-gotten wealth always brings bad things upon criminals and their families. If you closely examine the lives of Hollywood criminals, God's disfavor on their lives becomes apparent in the terrible things that befall them, while living the high life off ill-gotten gains at other people's expense. God does not bless corruption. He punishes it.

Another such case of the California Bar failing is that of high profile attorney, Michael Avenatti. For years Avenatti stole millions up on millions of dollars from sick, injured and emotionally distressed clients' settlement funds and jury awarded money (Michael Avenatti Stole $2,500,000 From Female Client Given Settlement By Former Miami Heat Basketball Player Hassan Whiteside and Michael Avenatti Arrested For Extortion (Nike), Tax Fraud And Theft Of Client Money).

Avenatti's assets were seized, including private jets illegally bought with clients' money (The Feds Have Seized Private Jet Belonging To Michael Avenatti). Avenatti is also doing a long prison sentence, as he got too big for his britches when he took on former president Donald Trump, using falsified items, and even threatened to fight him.

I warned on this site that Avenatti is a con, which was later confirmed, proving my statements correct (Michael Avenatti And His Client Julie Swetnick Referred To The FBI And DOJ For Criminal Investigation Over Lying In The Brett Kavanaugh Case).

Los Angeles attorney, Bert Fields, knowingly used murderous private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who is in the Italian mafia, to allegedly investigate people. I state allegedly because Pellicano, behaving like gutter trash, was using criminal mafia tactics to brutalize and terrorize innocent people, even defenseless, unarmed women.

Fields mysteriously has a perfect win record in court. Turned out Pellicano was illegally wiretapping, computer hacking, phone hacking, stalking and threatening people on Fields' behalf and that of the famous Hollywood stars, such as madwoman Madonna, who hired him.

It's easy to have a perfect win record in court under those circumstances (illegal wiretapping, hacking, stalking ect). Pellicano was sentenced to 15-years in prison for illegal wiretapping, months after the FBI interviewed me about him twice. However, Fields and his famous clients did not serve a single day in prison despite his unlawful conduct, due to government corruption.

For over 16-years the FBI has been in possession of evidence indicating Fields' famous clients such as Tom Cruise and Madonna, among others, were knowingly paying for and receiving the illegal wiretap data and items hacked from computers from Pellicano, in criminal violation of the law. Never once did the California Bar Association or FBI address Fields' behavior.


The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

Kim Kardashian Failed The Bar Exam After Taking Massive Shortcut In An Attempt At Becoming A Lawyer

Kim Kardashian Is Attempting To Unethically Buy A Law License



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