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Calls Go Out For Obama Impeachment Over Gay Marriage Push And Health Care

March 7. 2011


A number of prominent politicians are calling for the impeachment of U.S. President Barack Obama, for pushing gay marriage, in violation of the Defense of Marriage Act. He has violated his oath of office in doing so. Many are now also referring to him as a "one term president" whose health care program should be "repealed."

The President is making a number of politically unsavvy and illogical moves. In some interviews, Obama says it does not matter if he is a one term president, but in the next breath, asked to be reelected, while constantly make decisions the populace has voted against. 

It does not make any sense. Who are his advisors and what are they really telling him, because it is damaging his presidency, legacy and name. 2012 is right around the corner and so much damage has been done to the Obama brand, reelection will be a next to impossible sell.  

President Barack Obama

*Tongue in cheek* I just hope they pull out that microchip, before they release Obama back into the population after his presidency, because he is behaving like a Manchurian Candidate, via abandoning all he stood for and blatantly siding with things that are morally and politically wrong, in favor of financial backers that basically own him at this point.

My question is, if this man loses the presidency because of you, what are you going to say to him and his family in the face of impeachment and or defeat. That's not a pretty place to be in history.  

He is the first black president in U.S. history, yet you have used him as a pawn, in things he knew better than to get involved with. Black people deserved more than that from President Obama and his selfish, morally bankrupt backers.


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