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Capital One Hacker Stole 100 Million Customers Financial Data And Threatened To Shoot Up Social Networking Company In California

August 9. 2019

Paige Thompson

Authorities in Washington arrested psychotic transgender hacker, Paige A. Thompson, for a terrible hack on the credit card company Capital One. 33-year-old Thompson, insanely hacked into Capital One and stole the financial information of over 100 million customers.

Thompson illegally stole social security numbers, names, addresses, dates of birth and information regarding credit purchases, which is enough to commit serious identity theft. Arrogant Thompson foolishly began showing off on GitHub, posting Capital One customer information, such as social security numbers, which caused another site user to contact the credit card company about the security breach. Capital One contacted the authorities who arrested Thompson, who has been remanded into custody.

Thompson, who used to work at Amazon, also made death threats and threats of violence. Authorities have discovered that Thompson threatened to shoot up a California social networking company. Thompson is a menace to society and belongs behind bars for this evil, damaging, destructive behavior. Thompson is clearly mentally deranged and should not be free. Thompson could face a $250,000 fine and 5-years in prison if convicted. However, I am of the belief, such hackers who cause catastrophic financial and or social damage should face life in prison. There is no excuse for their behavior.

Paige Thompson

Capital One customers have been damaged and the company is going to be hit with lawsuit after lawsuit. The credit company Equifax recently had to shell out over $700,000,000 because of a security breach. These depraved hackers are costing companies significant sums of money that could put many of their employees out of work, not to mention, creating distress among the public, in illegally obtaining financial data and private, identifying information.

Thompson’s behavior is pure arrogance, completely jaded and illegal, in arrogantly assuming possession of billions of dollars in data belonging to others, then engaging in illegal public disclosures. Thompson was also seeking to commit identity theft with the stolen Capital One data, for undue financial enrichment, which constitutes several crimes.

This deranged, anti-social, psychopathic behavior needs to be met with the full force of the law. These hackers are evil and destructive. Some of them have even hacked hospitals, putting thousands of innocent lives in danger, while demanding huge, extortionate sums of money to restore medical files they illegally locked during acts of computer intrusion.

Side Bar: This hacker Paige Thompson has a criminal connection to Hollywood, which I will write about in a future article.


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