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March 17, 2007

What is happening to America. How did the country end up at this juncture. This is not the America I knew as a kid. What's really gone wrong and who is responsible.

The country's name is taking a severe beating in the international community, over the deeds of Washington and Hollywood. A hand full of people, in two cities, are destroying the international name of over 300,000,000 people in thousands of U.S. cities. 

Too many innocent people are being harmed by what's going on and it is not fair.

The Constitution has seemingly been hijacked. Between Washington and Hollywood, I don't know who is worse with the privacy rights abuses and lying.


Anthony Pellicano (left) Bert Fields (right)

In Hollywood you've got the nasty Anthony Pellicano illegal wiretapping, harassment, intimidation and identity theft scandal, where numerous stars, knowingly, through their attorneys, hired a thug Mafioso wannabe with a bat and pocket knife, who went around calling himself the godfather, to terrorize many innocent people and invade their privacy.

Though he was indicted last year, a pattern of misconduct and invasion of privacy still exists among his most frequent employer's famous clients. Bert Fields, being his most frequent employer.


In Washington, no one seems to want to follow the Constitution and promises don't mean a thing.

The Democrats won the House and Senate last November basically by promising to swiftly end the war in Iraq. Five months later, it's not happened. It's been months of symbolic arguing and bickering on the taxpayers' dime, with them pushing the deadline for troop pull out, further and further back. It currently sits at September 2008, a full year and a half away. Then on the other side of the aisle, it is being said the President will veto it anyway.

You mean to tell me, in a so called democracy, where millions of people voted in the clear, resounding direction that they want the war in Iraq to end, elected officials in Congress have been bickering every day it has been in session for months now, and at the end of the day, after all that bickering, on the taxpayers' dime, despite the will of the people of the United States of America, speaking loud and clear, the President can and is saying he will, torpedo any troop pull out bill or blockage of troop increase bill, via a veto.

With all due respect, that's not a democracy then, now is it. That's one person calling all the shots.

So basically, while the government bickers about the war and aren't getting anywhere, the ticked off terrorists might start getting somewhere and start coming over here because the government won't leave over there, meaning Iraq. And we don't want that.

The soldiers are also speaking out, in multiple publications, questioning why they are even over there. Critical pieces have been featured in Forbes and on CBS.

Regarding the former outlet, a solider said he is tired of the changing agenda. He said first they told them to find Weapons of Mass Destruction, which weren't found. Then they were told the mission was about locating and apprehending Saddam, which they did. Now he, among others, complained they are being told they are there to get the terrorists. The soldiers' frustration is understandable. Very understandable under the circumstances.

In a David and Goliath scenario, when one is fighting for a noble cause and justice, people will back you on that.

However, with reports in newspapers like the Independent in London announcing Iraqi legislation of a newly established deal, which would allow Western oil companies to profit up to 75% of Iraqi oil revenues for the next 30 years, what are people worldwide and domestically to think. Anyway you slice it, it is disappointing and doesn't look good.

I don't want to take anyone's oil like that with civilians dying. I'd rather walk everywhere I go for the rest of my life than do that (hey, Jesus did). 

And if you want to get graphic, let's point out the obvious, shall we. There are roughly 310,000,000 people in the Middle East. That's 10,000,000 more than here. Do you really think we can fight all them if something goes wrong. All that's all that's been happening. Things have been going majorly wrong.

Iraq is right beside Iran, a country of 70,000,000 with a leader, Malomars Mahmood, who abhors America. Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, geographically on the other sides of Iraq, have had terrorists living there as well, who also abhor America.

This continued war spells problems for the entire region, that's going to start spilling over into other regions.

It's time to get out of there. The people of Iraq are also owed a serious apology. Scores of their civilians are DEAD based on "faulty intelligence."



This week, attorney general Alberto Gonzales and head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, two of the most criminally negligent people on the planet (trust me, I know), got into big trouble due to IOG Glen Fine's report on Patriot Act abuses and press articles exposing them on certain other matters.

Alberto: I'm gonna get Rove for this. I'm gonna see if I can pull some strings at the IRS and get that gringo audited.

Let's start with discussing the Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, who got into trouble this week for the firing of several U.S. attorneys.

First of all, what he did was not illegal, just very poorly handled. So you drama queens need to stop with the Shakespearian acting like he broke the law. The law states:

3-2.120 Appointment

United States Attorneys are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate for a four-year term. See 28 U.S.C. Sec. 541. Upon expiration of this term, the United States Attorney continues to perform the duties of the office until a successor is confirmed. United States Attorneys are subject to removal at the will of the President. See Parsons v. United States, 167 U.S. 314 (1897).


Alberto: I'm being Rumsfelded.

To Gonzales and co: Would it have killed you to just simply say something like: pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 541 and 167 U.S. 314 (1897), you are hereby dismissed, thank you for your years of service.

What was all that other stuff about, that can be characterized as defamation. You know, these people do need to get jobs after their stints in said posts, lest it be a few more for the unemployment line on the taxpayers' dime. What kind of résumé have you left them with in political and legal circles with what was said and done. Can you say liability.

Really, why do you and Mueller always have to drop the ball when it's thrown to you. From now on, people need to start throwing the proverbial ball at your heads, until you two sit out and or quit the game, if you're going to play like that.

And what's worse, you make the people in the FBI and DOJ look bad when you do these things. You have FBI agents who have found missing and kidnapped kids, locked up mobsters, busted murders, while members of the DOJ have made these cases stick...then you two just go out there and cancel it all out to the press and the world with the constant screw ups.

Of course, the Democrats have jumped on this scandal. Some with the right to, some hypocritically. Yea Hillary, I'm talking about you.

You need to sit down and shut it, because if all the skeletons in your closet came out, the room would look like a cemetery. You talking about this and several other matters is like Ted Kennedy pointing the finger at someone about driving off a cliff or Foley lecturing inmates about leaving the kiddies alone. It just won't stick.


The public to head of the FBI Robert Mueller: Time's up

Inspector Gadget General Glen Fine, who exposed FBI Patriot Act abuses this week, was added to the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List today by Robert Mueller (kidding, but you know he wanted to):

Speaking of that, since Mueller has been found to have admittedly broken the law, shouldn't we add him to the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List. Just asking...


Robert Mueller: 5 - that's how many years they're gonna give me.

Man to Mueller: ooo you're gonna get it. Sorry, but I can't help you, bro. I don't want to go to jail and end up someone's butt buddy.

Would you check out the look on his face. It looks like a face a woman with PMS would make at hearing some annoying news:

Now, for my least favorite federales, Robert Mueller, head dingbat of the FBI. If you've read my Sound Off Column any, you'll know why he is my least favorite and you'll know about my entertainment industry lawsuit, where chronic copyright infringer Madonna stole numerous copyrights belonging to me, as she has done to many other artists, and unlawfully used them, prompting me to file a complaint with the FBI and DOJ. Mueller's office signed for the formal complaint and he never responded to what are serious crimes, as it also includes serious invasion of privacy click here.

I have warned about that man in my Sound Off Column for several months now regarding his terrible criminal negligence in undertaking his post and consistent misuse of the position, fully worthy of dismissal and federal charges, for betraying the American people, the Constitution and U.S. Code.

3 months ago in the December 2006 Sound Off Column I wrote that Robert Mueller of FBI needed to:

  • Learn how to stop eavesdropping on citizens' calls without a warrant.
  • Learn how to stop eavesdropping on international citizens' calls without permission.
  • Learn how to stop scanning the domestic bank accounts of innocent people and without a warrant.
  • Learn how to stop scanning foreign bank accounts, unnecessarily offending foreign governments, AKA trespassing.
  • Learn how to stop reading domestic and international emails that aren't addressed to you without a warrant and international authorization.
  • Learn how to better hide things from the public and Congress.
  • Learn how to stop lying in Congress.
  • Learn how to stop betraying the American people.
  • Learn to honor your oath of office.
  • Learn how to sync stories with Alberto Gonzales so as not to contradict yourself on TV to the watching world an hour later.
  • Learn how to not be a dweeb.

This week the IOG's office confirmed what I accused Mueller of 3 months ago in December 2006 in my Sound Off Column, regarding illegally spying on Americans and international citizens, without proper authorization, via illegal wiretaps and improperly obtaining citizens emails, internet communications and banking records, among other things, in violation of the law. I also wrote shortly after about the FBI snooping in your credit, which has also been confirmed. This is additional proof that I've been telling the truth about these people all along. I have no reason to lie.

People have rights. None of us are above the law. The Patriot Act isn't a blank check to do what you want. Neither is the 1.1. billion dollars in taxpayer money you blew on a yet to materialize computer system, that's run out of money AGAIN and when it does manage to surface, will be 3 years behind technology. I offered a simpler way in my June 2006 Sound Off Column to get the job done in weeks rather than years, but hey, what do I know...but I digress...

Who are any of you in office to challenge the rights and privacy of innocent people who live in this country and the world. It is arrogant, deceitful, voyeuristic and invasive.

My Personal Experience

In November of 2006, a phone company rep was sent out to my house to look at my phone line that has my DSL on it, because due to the persistent computer specialist confirmed hacking of my business computers in my home studio, apart of this legal case (Aisha v. Madonna), I couldn't get online to update my sites.

The telephone company DSL rep, who was also a phone technician, ran tests at the box and on the line outside the house for about 15 minutes.

Then he came inside and unprompted, began to lecture me about people who have been wiretapped in America. Never mind I never told him about the legal case or the problems we have been having with Hollywood and the Anthony Pellicano-esque wiretapping and harassment.

Remember, he was there to check the computer and DSL, which runs on the phone line, but clearly he saw the wiretaps via the interference on the signal.

He then asked me if I was a spy (which was one of the most bizarre and insulting questions anyone's ever asked me in my life) to which I said, "No."

Now, I've heard of improbabilities like a Jamaican bobsled team, but a Jamaican spy...who ever heard of such a thing. CARICOM is on a budget, can't afford that. The Caribbean has more important things to worry about, like increasing produce exports, creating jobs to build up the economy and tourism.

When I told him I'm a writer with a web site about music, sports and politics (with an insulted look on my face) he then went on to talk about the FBI and how they wiretapped blacks with influence, such as Martin Luther King, to which I said, "I know," as I had previously read and written about MLK's file on the internet.

I also condemned Hoover's FBI for doing that to a man, King, who in my opinion, as I told him, "was one of the best things to come out of this country." He then tried to explain to me that America was a different place then.

But then, what he said next was a real kicker. I say this to you as a Christian with the fear of God in me, he then said and I quote, they also "wiretap Jesse Jackson." Needless to say, that got my attention.

Shortly after, later in November 2006, I hired a PI to check for problems with my phone lines. Quarter way through he said, based on the symptoms, he doesn't have the "kind of equipment" to remove such "sophisticated" wiretapping, as it is the kind commonly "used by the government."

Then I directed him to an article about Pellicano and the sophisticated wiretapping he used, indicative of what goes on in Hollywood. Still, the PI was more leaning towards it being government.

Regardless, according to writings on the subject, the sheer level of interference on the line, is indicative of multiple wiretaps. So much for privacy, then.

Not to mention the serious human rights abuses my family and I have been living under, that we have proof of, that Mueller and Gonzales were formally notified of, with their offices signing for it, a year and a half ago, but have failed to stop, in violation of their oaths of office and the law.

My father who lives in Jamaica, works in the Jamaican government as a Justice of the Peace, which is the Jamaican equivalent to a British magistrate, and he is very offended at this and so am I. I'm no spy. I'm no criminal. I'm a black Christian singer and writer, who has been severely robbed, harassed and exploited, under invasive conditions that constitute severe U.N. human  rights abuses, due to a very valuable Copyrighted Catalog I authored containing 9,000 songs, 300 movie scripts and short stories, 15 book manuscripts, 200 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 150 photo treatments and many clothing designs that are apart of a clothing line I designed.

Mueller, Gonzales and Congress via Kendrick Meek have allowed her to continue to criminally use items from my aforementioned Copyrighted Catalog, with billions in intellectual property belonging to me, being devalued and going up in smoke on a regular basis, and have further allowed her to continue to commission vile acts of invasion of privacy against us that we have proof of, that keeps escalating, might I add.

So yea, if they want to Marie Antoinette the two men known as Robert Mueller and Alberto Gonzales, they have my full support.


Recently an article stated that the Italian government wants to bring a dozen CIA agents up on criminal charges for illegally nabbing an Italian citizen, flying him to another country where torture is permitted, torturing the doo doo out of him for several months, then going oops, we got the wrong guy.

This was a willful violation of the Geneva Convention that America signed and swore to uphold, as did many other countries. Now, to go two for two, Washington is refusing to follow its own international agreements of extraditing lawbreakers to other countries.

Um, why?

The international community is not going to take the country seriously anymore. Criminals are extradited to America all the time under said agreements. Washington needs to honor those agreements as well or face further world isolation.

It was a cruel thing that was done to that man and make it worse, they found he hadn't done anything to merit the accusations or torture.

It was estimated in a recent article that the CIA commits 100,000 violations of the law per year. They need to fix that.  

Every domestic and international treaty and safeguard is being tossed aside by Washington and this is not good for the safety of America.

Even Putin was complaining at a summit that people in the international community are very concerned, as they cant even "hide behind international law anymore" and sadly it is true.

You want to think that, no matter which country you live in, if international law signed by many countries says everyone agrees to do ABC and not to do XYZ, that it will be honored.

If we take the anything goes stance with the world, the world will take the anything goes stance with America as well, and it will end very, very badly.

Let's face it, other countries are worried what happened to Iraq will happen to them next. It is only compounded by numerous reports of international citizens being nabbed in foreign countries by Washington and rendition elsewhere. That's trespassing, kidnapping, assault, battery and violations of the Geneva Convention, in addition to scores of human rights laws.

Everybody is supposed to play by the rules. And if the international community sees that a very prominent member of the game isn't playing by the rules, they will stop playing by the rules and all hell will break loose, to the detriment of many innocent Americans, who didn't ask for this.

The law needs to be honored, by everyone, domestically and internationally.


People are frustrated and tired of the erosion of their civil liberties. It is not right that at the hands of a few, 300,000,000 people are worried that Uncle Sam is on their phone lines, going through their emails, scanning their bank accounts, checking their credit and checking which books they check out. That's called a surveillance state or a police state.

If this is the high price of the war on terrorism, then maybe the terrorists have won. The Constitution has been taken hostage along with the country's citizens. This all needs to stop. What goes on in innocent people's homes is none of your business. 

The headlines were ugly, but deserved:

Betrayed by the FBI - Chicago Tribune

FBI breaks the law - Buffalo News

FBI let America down - Arizona Republic

Report blasts FBI - Chicago Tribune, IL

Mueller Takes Blame For Improper Use Of Patriot Act – KWTX

Gonzales, Mueller Admit FBI Broke Law - Helena Independent Record, MT

Gonzales under fire for attorney firings, FBI abuses - The Wichita Eagle, KS

Officials: FBI broke law to get data on citizens - Indianapolis Star, IN

Improper snooping - Cincinnati Post, OH

An abuse of authority - Napa Valley Register, CA

US attorney general admits FBI broke law using Patriot Act - GMA news, Philippines

FBI illegally used Patriot Act on public - Laconia Citizen, NH

Unjustified FBI snooping makes bad situation worse - Chicago Sun-Times, IL

FBI breaks the law - Buffalo News, NY

Officials: FBI broke law to get data on citizens - Indianapolis Star, IN

FBI Admits Spying on Citizens - Prensa Latina, Cuba

Legislators: FBI may need reining in - United Press International

Abuses reinforce need to oversee FBI spying - DesMoines Register IA

FBI chief, attorney gen. should go, and agency's mission must be altered - Delaware Online

Lawmakers blast FBI's misuse of spying powers - The Register-Guard, OR

Privacy abuses give FBI black eye - Columbus Dispatch, OH

FBI admits abusing powers - News & Observer, NC

Patriot Act Abuse: Mueller And Gonzales Jobs Scrutinized  - Bayou Buzz

Patriot excesses - Albany Times Union, NY

Spies in the FBI: the need for balance - Seattle Times

We can't trust our federal police - Macon Telegraph, GA

FBI conducted illegal spying on tens of thousands - Bay Area Indymedia, CA

No One is Above the Law: New DOJ Leadership Needed - JURIST


Feds spying on Americans - Wilmington Morning Star, NC 

Audit finds that FBI searched lives without proper authorization - Spartanburg Herald Journal

Mueller Admits Fault in FBI Intrusions - Examiner

Mueller: 'I Am the Person Responsible' For FBI Privacy Lapses - MyFox Washington DC, DC

In Our View: Audit reveals deeply troubling violations - The Columbian, WA

Surveillance: The buck stops where? - Palladium-Item, IN

DOJ leaders admit FBI broke laws in soliciting personal information - JURIST

FBI Investigations Faulted in Scathing Report - NPR

Almost all Justice terror stats wrong - United Press International

Cleaning up the Act FBI abuse of national security letters - Houston Chronicle

Schumer Calls for Gonzales' Resignation - ABC News

Gone-zales? - Slate

Gonzales is urged to quit 'for the nation' - Los Angeles Times, CA

Two Democrats call on Gonzales to quit as attorney general - Baltimore Sun, MD

Wanting Gonzales out - Newsday, NY

Sen. Schumer says Gonzales should step down - Kansas City Star, MO

Key Democrat calls for Gonzales to resign - Boston Globe, MA

Senator urges embattled Gonzales to step down - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Sen. Schumer says Gonzales should go - CNN International

Some Public Feedback:

From Bayou Buzz:

1. Those willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. Ben Franklin - Written by JLS on 3/10/2007

2. If anyone in the private sector failed as miserably as A.G. Gonzales and Mueller have at executing their jobs they would have been fired long ago...the top levels of government require a higher, not lower standard. The public should demand that they leave the Public payroll! Written by Mark Goldman on 3/10/2007

3. "Firing"?? What about a good old fashioned hanging, a-la "sic semper tyrannis"?? Treason is the only crime in the Constitution of the United States (the Law written by We the People to bind down the government), and the punishment is death. What about the fine old traditions of "Tar and Feathers" or running them out of town on a rail? Okay, if we refuse to make them accountable for the consequences of their actions, how do you propose we get them under control? What part of "IF WE KEEP LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH IT, THEY'LL NEVER STOP" does everyone have so much trouble understanding?? Written by Jimbo on 3/10/2007

Gonzales, Mueller Admit FBI Broke Law

WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's top two law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday the FBI broke the law to secretly pry out personal information about Americans. They apologized and vowed to prevent further illegal intrusions.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales left open the possibility of pursuing criminal charges against FBI agents or lawyers who improperly used the USA Patriot Act in pursuit of suspected terrorists and spies.

The FBI's transgressions were spelled out in a damning 126-page audit by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine. He found that agents sometimes demanded personal data on people without official authorization, and in other cases improperly obtained telephone records in non-emergency circumstances.

The audit also concluded that the FBI for three years underreported to Congress how often it used national security letters to ask businesses to turn over customer data. The letters are administrative subpoenas that do not require a judge's approval...

``But the question should and must be asked: How could this happen? Who is accountable?'' Mueller said. ``And the answer to that is, I am to be held accountable.''

On the Net:

The report is at: http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/FBI/index.ht

Justice Department: http://www.usdoj.gov

FBI: http://www.fbi.gov

FBI Ticks Off International Community

Once again, 3 months ago in the December 2006 Sound Off Column I wrote the FBI needed to:

  • Learn how to stop scanning foreign bank accounts, unnecessarily offending foreign governments, AKA trespassing.

  • Learn how to stop reading domestic and international emails that aren't addressed to you without a warrant and international authorization.
  • Learn how to stop eavesdropping on international citizens' calls without permission

This month, members of the international community tried to break their foot off in Mueller's butt for trespassing into foreign countries with this invasive misconduct that they were NOT given authorization to do by the international community: 

Dutch party slates FBI for violating privacy of European citizens

March 12, 2007 - Dutch political party Democrats 66 has criticized the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for improperly retrieving personal data of European citizens in the so-called anti-terror war, Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad reported Monday.

The private life and legal position of European citizens are hanging in the balance due to the U.S. intelligence agency's misuse of power in asking companies to supply it with indivlduals' financial and telecom details, Dutch lawmaker Sophie In 't Veld of the Democrats 66 said.

The comments followed a critical report of the U.S. Justice Department on FBI published on Friday. The report found that the FBI improperly and sometimes illegally used the U.S. Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information.

The audit also revealed that the FBI underreported for three years how often it forced businesses to turn over customer data.

The Patriot Act was pushed through the U.S. Congress by the Bush Administration after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. It allows the FBI, while investigating suspected terrorism and espionage cases, to require telephone companies, Internet service providers, banks, credit bureaus and other businesses to produce highly personal records about their customers or subscribers -- without a judge's approval.

"After this report on the FBI there is no denying anymore that there are indications of errors and misuse," In 't Veld said.

"This is the umpteenth incidence of U.S. government services nosing around in the personal details of European citizens, without our knowing anything about it, let alone being able to defend ourselves," the Dutch lawmaker said.

Source: Xinhua

FBI Office Spies on Mexicans

Mexico, Mar 6 (Prensa Latina) The existence in Mexico of a spy office subordinated to the FBI, under the cover of Verint Technology Inc company, was denounced by El Centro daily Tuesday.

Broadcast by TV news, the tabloid headlines: "US Company Keeps Watch on Mexican Communications."

Resulting from agreements between both countries, the US entity won a contract that allows listening to conversations, reading emails, navigating through internet pages, or tapping cell calls, it revealed.

The contract won by Verint Technology Inc was found in a US Department of State website, El Deber noted.

Among its powers, the daily sustained, the foreign entity is allowed to intercept communications of Mexican firms such as Telmex, Telcel, Nextel, Telefonica, Unefon, Iusacell, Cisco, and Prodigy sus dig fa mf PL-13.

Source: Plenglish.com 



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