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While there are good lawyers out there, there are some pretty rotten ones as well. Many of you have encountered corrupt lawyers, who sold out your cases to the opposing team, for money quietly paid under the table, in lawsuits you thought were rock solid.

Lawyers routinely take bribes under the table, from miscreants, in order to avoid going to court, where the full truth and extent of the misconduct committed against you will come out.


1. Take a bribe

2. Lie to you and tell you that your case is now mysteriously shaky

3. Encourage you to take paltry settlements that any decent person would call unfair in light of the damage

4. Lose key evidence

5. Deliberately fail to file important documents, adversely affecting your legal rights

6. Disclose too much of your case and legal strategy to the opponent

7. Show up late for important hearings and court dates

8. Don't show up at all for important hearings and court dates

9. Consistently fail to return your calls and correspondences

10. Refuse to introduce available evidence and witnesses that would bolster your case.





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