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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Denounces Potential Arrest Of Former President Donald Trump

March 21. 2023

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis before they started publicly feuding

Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, has publicly denounced the potential arrest of former U.S. President ,Donald Trump. DeSantis is Trump's protégé, who owes his gubernatorial win in he State of Florida to the former head of state. Trump asked his base to vote for DeSantis and did fundraising for him as well.

At an event held in Florida this week, DeSantis, who is also an attorney, stated to a reporter, "I do know this. The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor. And so he, like other Soros-funded prosecutors, they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety."

Joe Biden

Trump and DeSantis have been squabbling since last year, when prominent Republicans began stating the latter should run for President of the United States, and it clearly intrigued the latter, and ticked off the former. Their base on social networking want them to run together.

As much as I do think Trump and DeSantis would win, Biden is going to cheat AGAIN to steal the election if he regains the nomination. After all, look at what Biden is doing in trying to have Trump arrested to block him from running again. That is a dirty, lowdown, scumbucket, guttertrash political trick, and says he's capable of anything in abusing his position as President.


DeSantis, Breaking Silence on Trump, Criticizes Manhattan Prosecutor

March 20, 2023 - Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida on Monday broke his silence about the potential indictment of his state’s most famous resident, former President Donald J. Trump, attacking the Manhattan district attorney pursuing the case but also pointedly noting the personal conduct over which Mr. Trump is being investigated...

“But I do know this: The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor,” he said of Mr. Bragg, referring to indirect financial support the district attorney received in his 2021 campaign from George Soros, the liberal billionaire philanthropist. Those donations have been the subject of attacks from Mr. Trump and other Republicans...



Former President Donald Trump Slams Newspapers For Switching To Ron DeSantis

Donald Trump To Ron DeSantis: I've Got Dirt On You Florida Man

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