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Hillary Clinton And Her Staff Violated State Department Policy 600 Times With Illegal Email Server That Communist Bloc Hacked

October 19. 2019

Hillary Clinton

The latest government report regarding the misconduct of former U.S. Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, and her staff, reveals she violated agency policy 600 times. The report was issued by the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

Clinton criminally violated U.S. government policy regarding sending unencrypted communications via her private email servers, which were hacked by the communist bloc. Clinton's nonchalant and lax conduct led to the America's rivals in said bloc becoming privy to national secrets, procedures and assets.

It is to be expected that world governments attempt to hack each others' computer systems (the CIA, NSA and FBI hack world governments all the time). However, it is not to be expected that a high ranking government official, the foreign secretary, has no computer security and sent unencrypted emails. That was very bizarre and downright reckless.

Clinton was let off the hook for these crimes by former FBI director, the now disgraced, James Comey, who was fired by President Trump. Comey violated the chain of command at the Federal Bureau of Investigation/Department of Justice by holding an attention seeking press conference and telling all who would listen, that Clinton is corruptly being given a free pass, but if anyone else in America does what she did the FBI would lock them up.

The fact of the matter is Clinton violated U.S. government policy via maintaining a private server she used to conduct state business, because she made many dirty deals while on taxpayer money as Secretary of State, and a large number of said deals profited her and the family's Clinton Foundation.

Clinton also unlawfully spied on people in the U.S. government (as well as innocent civilians) for political reasons. Clinton further spied on international government officials and if they found out it would severely damage U.S. relations with foreign nations, as she did if for political and financial gain, not because the people targeted, outside the scope of the law, did anything wrong.


State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Says It Found Nearly 600 Security Violations

October 18, 2019 3:21 PM ET - State Department investigators probing Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state discovered nearly 600 security incidents that violated agency policy, according to a report the Daily Caller News Foundation obtained.

The investigation, conducted by the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, found 38 individuals were culpable for 91 security violations. Another 497 violations were found, but no individuals were found culpable in those incidents. The investigation concluded Sept. 6, and the report was issued Sept. 13...



Government Report Slams Hillary Clinton And Her Former Subordinates At The State Department For Lax Computer Security That Exposed National Secrets

The Hacked Emails Of Former U.S. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Up For Sale On The Black Market

The Communist Bloc Accessed Hillary Clinton's Unencrypted Emails




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