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Hillary Clinton Gets Ghetto

August 11. 2009

Hillary Clinton: I'm secretary of state, not Bill


U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has been hanging out in Harlem too much, with her husband, former U.S. President, Bill Clinton.

A reporter in Africa, asked Hillary Clinton for her husband's opinions and she went ghetto on the journalist and barked, "I'm the Secretary of State, not Bill."

Hillary exploded. What happened? Remembered you are the SOS (Secretary of State) and not the POTUS (President Of The United States). Did Hillary have a flashback of Election night? See, that's why you couldn't be President. Get PMS and you'd blow up the whole world.

U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton (left) and President Barack Obama (right)

Turns out the whole thing was an alleged misunderstanding, as the translator meant to ask her President Obama's views, not those of her husband, Bill Clinton. Yes, egg on face time, Hillary.

Former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, would never have snapped like that. She would have given him the evil eye and Bush would have instructed the Secret Service to classify the reporter an insurgent, beat him down and renditioned him.

Side Bar: maybe Hillary is not happy her husband Bill was loudly applauded last week, in a headline grabber, for bringing home two journalists that were held in North Korea on spying charges.

After all, such matters would be her domain as Secretary of State. The two young women with families, were facing 12-years in a hard labor camp, eating a corn and water diet each day, also known as the Hollywood celebrity diet.




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