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Hollywood Wants Madonna Gone

July 13. 2022

 Ugly criminal Madonna

Hollywood is tired of Madonna and the public disgrace she has brought down on them. Madonna spent her career stealing copyrights. Her entire career is based on it (The Many Singers, Writers, Producers, Directors And Artists Madonna Has Stolen From For Her Fraudulent Career).

Recently, an entertainment industry executive angrily barked at Madonna when she approached him, "What do you want?!" She also keeps calling entertainers and athletes and telling them to mention her in their interviews and on social networking, but they resent it and are discussing it in the industry out of annoyance and embarrassment.

Madonna is demanding all sorts of movies, documentaries, songs and award show appearances, as well as references made to her in major network sitcoms, big budget films and music by people and companies, who are unwilling. They engaged in dirty business deals with her, regarding stolen copyrights, but she's run out of pilfered items to criminally sell, to parties who have knowingly participating in the sale/purchase/resell of stolen goods (which constitutes many felonies).

Hollywood is embarrassed, as they know the public hates Madonna over the terrible conduct they have seen regarding her, exposed on social networking and other sites like this one. The public has seen the massive amount of negative comments and backlash against Madonna, which many people have participated in due to her evil behavior.

These negative comments from the public are present on numerous top websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Madonna is a pariah and Hollywood hates the association. However, Madonna and Harvey Weinstein became the face of Hollywood, running the industry through their sick Kabbalah cult, which is deeply involved in organized crime (the Italian-American mafia).

There are famous entertainers and athletes who are wary of this. They are not afraid of ugly old Madonna. They are afraid of who they and the industry know she is associated with, regarding murderous people in the Italian-American mafia, whom she has threatened to and did send to attack others, in conduct that constitutes federal crimes. They also know this conduct Madonna is criminally involved in stretches into Italy, where the mafia originates and is still based.

Madonna is affiliated with the mafia and people in it through a relative who went to prison for stealing millions in copyrights, Anthony "Sonny" Ciccone, a business partner who went to prison for murder and theft, Chris Paciello, and a private investigator, Anthony Pellicano (who went to prison for criminal wiretapping, computer hacking, racketeering and identity theft in a case the FBI used two interviews they asked me for, to help put him away for 15-years).

There are items online which alleged Pellicano murdered a man in Chicago. There are incriminating tapes of Pellicano, which the FBI used in court against him, which reveal him illegally spying on people for entertainers like Madonna, who paid him $100,000 per person/target and when he can find no dirt on them to blackmail, exploit and steal their assets, he kills them and buries them in the desert. And these are the people that fraud Madonna is affiliated with, which tells you all you need to know about the type of scumbag and degenerate she is as a person.


The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

Hollywood And The FBI Are Criminally Engaging In Slavery



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