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Housing Gitmo Detainees Part 2

January 26. 2009

On Friday, January 23, 2009, I wrote about Housing Guantanamo Bay detainees. I suggested reopening Alcatraz as one option, among others. Later, imagine my surprise when I read in the New York Times that a senator said the same in Congress as well regarding Alcatraz. I didn't get that idea from them by the way and it's a good thing I emailed the article to myself well before I published it to the site, creating a digital time stamp (also known as a "Poor man's copyright").

It's a daily habit I have been engaging in regarding the website, as any item that remains in the queue to be published for too many hours or days, ends up in the public domain courtesy of Madonna's hacker, but attributed to her or others. What's weird is, as I tried to send that particular Alcatraz article email, someone illegally in my computer, deleted the words right before I pressed "send" forcing me to send that same email again.

Between Madonna and separately the FBI in my email mailbox and computers without permission (which is how I broke the Patriot Act abuse story, I experienced it firsthand and got fed up) I have no privacy. I don't go to questionable websites or those that disseminate spyware, yet in the past two days, once again, I've had to remove 5 Trojans from my computer - a computer whose main function is to publish my websites and do work related to scientific/medical research.

*This item is not directed at the New York Times.


Where Will Detainees From Guantánamo Go?

Published: January 23, 2009 - Senator Christopher S. Bond, Republican of Missouri and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, taunted the chairwoman, Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, by suggesting that the authorities reopen Alcatraz Prison in the San Francisco Bay. On Friday, a spokesman for Mrs. Feinstein countered that Alcatraz now was a “national park and tourist attraction, not a functioning prison,” and that the senator “does not consider it a suitable place to house detainees.”




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