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Joe Biden Gets A Flurry Of Bills And Acts Passed In Congress But Will They Solve America's Problems


August 10. 2022


Joe Biden and Barack Obama

The Biden Administration has induced Congress to pass a flurry of bills and acts aimed at saving Joe Biden's failing presidency. Biden's poll numbers are terrible and so are his maneuvers in Congress that are unnecessarily running up the national deficit.
Vermont senator, Bernie Sanders, who is a Democrat in Biden's party, has publicly stated Biden's bills will do little to decrease inflation. Indeed. The bills are full of pork and pet projects similar to those of former President, Barack Obama, who is the one actually pulling the strings in the Biden Administration (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time).

I remember Obama's massive clean energy failures when he was president, such as the company Solyndra. Obama's climate change initiatives cost the U.S. taxpayers billions and did not solve the terrible, worsening problem poised to wreak havoc on the nation.

"Joe Biden left 'confused and disorientated' at White House event as crowd 'mobbed' Obama" (2022)

Now Obama/Biden are at it again and the taxpayers are paying the price. It's ironic how presidents and Congress can past measures costing the taxpayers billions and if they fail, they don't have to repay the nation for their unwise decisions.
The current items passed in Congress that Biden is touting as victories will increase national debt and not solve the terrible problems of climate change, a broken economy and the social problems that exist in America. It's disgusting that someone would play with taxpayer money in this manner.

Biden reminds me of a boxer who goes into the ring for a fight and starts wildly swinging at his opponent, wasting time and energy, to look like he's winning the fight, via showboating and boisterous gestures. The wild flurry of punches (bills) are not landing and winning him the match, but it looks like he is very active and doing something. If the punches don't land they really don't count.

Then his opponent, who was biding his time waiting for the right opportunity for a clear shot, lands the knockout punch, thus ending the fight and handing his opponent defeat. Biden is the type to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, by lying on his resume about a job he was ill-equipped to do, and making poor maneuvers, which results in him "punching above his weight."


Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims

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Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

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