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Joe Biden Is Corrupt And Unworthy Of The U.S. Presidency As His Financial Policies Have Deteriorated The Nation's Standard Of Living

Biden Does Not Deserve A Second Term

January 9. 2023

Joe Biden has repeatedly called Vice President Kamala Harris. It has happened so many times now. What kind of madness is this.

U.S. President Joe Biden is seeking a second term in office. However, he is the worst man for the job. Biden has destroyed the American standard of living, due to inflation that he caused with his poor political policies. Biden knows nothing about economics. He can barely remember his name and occupation on most days (he still thinks he's a senator in Congress). Biden often mistakenly states Vice President, Kamala Harris is the President.

Biden is senile due to dementia. Biden is the first American president that is mentally disabled, which under the 25th Amendment precludes him from the presidency. However, he's been getting help from former U.S. President Barack Obama, who is the one calling the shots in the White House, and politician, Nancy Pelosi. They are running a scam on the American people and the world.

To keep the charade going, they are resorting to very dishonest acts that break the law. They are accessing the calls and files (unpublished academic papers, personal and business emails emails, and proprietary business documents) of noted, highly intelligent people, then attributing what they criminally heard and read to Biden, which is completely illegal. The FBI has done this before (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Joe Biden

Biden can't think on his feet. He has no ideas. He is relying on Obama, who is long out of ideas, having done the exact same things again during Biden's term that he, Obama, had done during his time in office as president. 2-yeras into Biden's presidency and he doesn't have COVID or the economy under control.

A terrible climate disaster is also on the way (subsidence), which Biden does not understand the gravity of and has placed financial corruption ahead of it, imperiling the public. Time will show exactly why I wrote this and that it is completely true (as it constantly does: site exclusives).

Imagine knowing there are better people for the job of President, but due to ego, arrogance and corruption, you dig your heels in and wreck the nation. Biden is putting his greed ahead of the health and safety of the public, which is inexcusable. That is the height of selfishness. World history is going to record it in a horrible way.

Biden was the absolute worst choice out of Congress to become president (on both sides). Yet there he is in the White House destroying the country. America cannot take another Biden term. The damage will be too extensive to fix, due to his horrifically poor choices, time wasting and crazy political agenda (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About (Videos)). I implore you via your votes to pick another president in 2024. The country's future is depending on it.


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