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The Lohans Are In Court Again

June 19. 2008

Lindsay Lohan and her girlfriend Samantha Ronson

Actress Lindsay Lohan's parents are in court again, revisiting their acrimonious divorce. Lindsay's father, Michael, seeks more time with the children, stating his ex-wife, Dina, violated their agreement.

There's nothing wrong with a man wanting to spend more time with his children, as long as he is not a danger to them. The judge did not deem Michael Lohan as such. So what's the problem Dina.

Dina Lohan

Dina needs to spend less time trying to make herself a star via her reality TV show and more time trying to put her children's lives back together, as some serious damage has been done. 

George Clooney

If you spent less time lusting after and chasing George Clooney, who only dates chicks that just got the legal right to vote, you'd have more time for your kids. You owe them that much.

Sidebar: tell the truth, that George Clooney joke was funny.

Lindsay Lohan's parents back in Family Court

June 4, 2008 - The divorced parents of actress Lindsay Lohan made a brief appearance in a Nassau County courtroom yesterday over allegations that Michael Lohan has not had enough access to his two youngest children.




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