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Madonna Complaining How Old She Is And That No One Is Paying Attention To Her Anymore

July 1. 2019

Madonna looking ugly as usual

Psychotic pop singer Madonna has been whining and complaining again that people do not like her because she is old. According to a headline on Drudge Report she stated she is being punished for turning 60-years-old. I didn't bother to read the article, because who cares about what she does at this point, as she is a very evil, sick person, who has cost innocent people their lives: Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead.

The fact of the matter is people don't dislike her for being old. They dislike her because she is an evil, abhorrent human being. Tina Turner and the Rolling Stones are older than Madonna (though they all look younger than she does) and people love them. They sell far more music and concert tickets than Madonna as well.

Madonna is an evil, insane madwoman who made a career off releasing what has been referred to as "softcore porn music videos." She never had any talent. Now that she has aged horribly, looks like something from a wax museum than is melting and puckering, has no hit music and has been exposed as a vile human being, no one cares.

Because men do not find her appealing, Madonna has been paying younger men to date her and that's pathetic for a woman to do. The New York Post revealed how she had to buy a former boyfriend a condo in New York and give him money to get him to date her, as she looks horribly and has a sexually transmitted disease from years of whoring herself out for fame. She had to promise ex-husband Guy Ritchie a film career through Warner Bros, after trying to trap him with a baby (and one she nearly miscarried) failed to make him marry her.

She is jealous of younger entertainers like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Cardi B and Megan Fox getting attention from men on social networking. She is trying to compete with them by stating how good she thinks she is at oral sex. That should let you know how dilapidated her vagina is for her to be repeatedly taking about oral sex for attention. She slept with so many men and women in her youth that her vagina flatlined and fell out (LOL). She can't even depend on it anymore.

She also loves talking about sex toys in items that are online (again, stuff no one wants to read, except bloggers looking for items to clown her with in articles). Women who go on social networking bragging about huge sex toys need to stop and think, as it changes the size of the vagina and you're telling on yourselves.

Then you have men on social networking mocking the size of your vaginas, because of the number of men you've slept with and the large sex toys. I read a comment where one blogger referred to a woman's vagina and sex with her as throwing a hot dog down a hallway. You can tell Madonna is in that category, because she keeps talking about how good she thinks she is at oral sex, with the hope of attracting young men online and it's not working (LOL). It's clear her vagina is deceased and could probably double for a tunnel (LOL). 

Madonna dressed like Hitler. She thinks these sick themes are cute and funny but they are not. A British journalist who interviewed her at her former home in Britain revealed Madonna has a portrait of Hitler on her wall. Just like him she's a racist piece of garbage who has been calling black people "slaves" in modern times.

Madonna is an insane narcissist who craves attention. When she was in her twenties she behaved like a porn star to get attention, as she could not compete with real talent like Whitney Houston and Barbra Streisand. Madonna is old now and can't deal with the fact younger female singers are getting all the attention. Hence the constant whining and complaining like a senior citizen.

Then there's the poor music and concert sales. Madonna co-owns struggling music streaming company Tidal with frogface Ninja Turtle, Jay Z. The company was caught fabricating streaming sales. For example, Jay Z was caught falsifying streaming sales for wife Beyonce, in fraudulent obtaining the number one on the charts for her "Lemonade" album (Jay Z And Madonna's Tidal Reported To The Police For Falsifying Music Streaming Sales).

Her time has been over for 20-years but she refuses to accept it and has been resorting to ever increasing acts of criminal copyright infringement and desperate publicity stunts that have all failed. No one is checking for her. Younger audiences do not know who she is either.

Madonna is not a talented artist who audiences welcome at any age, like Tina Turner and the Rolling Stones. Madonna is a reminder of what happens when untalented criminals get their foot in the door through theft and other depraved behavior. Sooner or later they are unmasked for the losers they are and have to face the music, pardon the pun.

The first single from Madame X flopped (Madonna Tries And Fails To Be A Reggae Singer On New Song That Instantly Flops Suffering From Terrible Sales And No Interest From The Public). Taking into consideration past chart performance of various artists music who had a flopped first single, the album does not go to number one. It just doesn't happen.

Fraud via falsifying sales at Madonna's floundering company Tidal was involved regarding "Madame X" reaching number one. The bulk of the sales, which are low, came from streaming. It's pathetic the lengths some people go to in attempts at faking success. However, rest assured, shortly items will be released in the public domain revealing the sick lengths Madonna has gone to in trying to fake success. Madonna's whole career has been one big sham.


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