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Man With Illegal Guns And Ammunition Arrested Near The Washington Home Of Former U.S. President Barack Obama

Why Is Barack Obama Still Living In Washington When The Other Presidents Went Home After Their Terms Were Up

July 14. 2023

Barack Obama

A man was arrested in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, DC, outside the home of former U.S. President, Barack Obama. Taylor Taranto has been arrested on felony gun charges for being outside Obama's home with unlicensed weapons. Taranto was also present during the January 6th protests and riots at the Capitol.

U.S. Presidents are allowed a maximum of two 4-year terms in office. When U.S. President's terms are up they leave Washington, DC. Jimmy Carter went back to Georgia. Ronald Reagan went back to California. George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush went back to Texas. Bill Clinton went to New York. However, after his two terms were up, Barack Obama bought a house in Washington, DC, and had it fitted with high tech equipment like the technology in the White House.

This gives credence to my claims and then that of journalists in the mainstream that Barack Obama is enjoying an illegal third term in office (Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Barack Obama and figurehead Joe Biden, who has dementia, which makes it easy for Obama to push through his political agenda at the White House

Obama has been siccing the IRS, FBI and CIA on people AGAIN who peacefully oppose his political agenda that he is doing through darn near brain-dead, Joe Biden, who thinks his wife Jill Biden is his sister and Vice President Kamala Harris is the President. Sadly, Harris is relaying Obama's agenda through the White House. Hence dementia stricken Biden thinking she is the President.

Previously, I outed the Obama administration for misusing the IRS to attack outspoken rivals as well as political enemies, and my allegations were later proven correct (Congressional Senator Confirms The IRS Politically Targeted Conservatives Just As The Site Stated). Previously, I also outed the Obama administration for spying on accomplished people and using the private data and information for political and financial gain (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims). I also broke the FBI's secret file room story on my site exclusives page, among many other stories that later proved 100% correct.

Former President Barack Obama

Well he's at it again. Adding to the current terrible behavior is Obama/Biden are violating the US. Constitution and U.S. Code by illegally spying on people in commissioned acts he has ordered through the FBI, CIA and NSA, with unlawful, invasive reports sent to them on a regular basis containing illegal wiretaps, computer hacks, phone hacking, email hacking, GPS information, surveillance and stalking information on daily movements, bank account statements, financial records from credit and debit cards, ATM transactions data, tax/IRS files (returns and filings), private information on targets' family members and friends, corporate and job information, as well as satellite, RF and thermal/infrared captures regarding activities at each target's home (among other things).

The spying and harassment is being done for political and financial gain. It is completely criminal and disgusting. Is there any wonder America is in such decline in the world. The Biden/Obama administration is too busy spying on innocent people they're exploiting, to get any substantive work done.


Felony weapons charges unsealed against man arrested near Obama’s house

Jan. 6 defendant Taylor Taranto was found outside former president Barack Obama’s house with guns and ammunition in his van, court records show

July 14, 2023 at 11:34 a.m. EDT - A Jan. 6 defendant who had been arrested with guns and ammunition in his van near former president Barack Obama’s house faces two felony weapons charges in addition to the misdemeanor and trespassing counts brought against him last month, court records show.

Taylor Taranto, a defendant in the riot at the U.S. Capitol, was charged with carrying a pistol without a license and possessing a large-capacity ammunition feeding device, court records made public Friday show. The felony charges come on top of four misdemeanor counts of trespassing, disorderly conduct at the Capitol riot and parading in the Capitol...



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