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Nick Hogan Gets 8 Months In Jail

May 9. 2008

Nick Bollea, the teenage son of wrestler, Hulk Hogan, was sentenced to 8 months in jail, 5 years of probation and 500 hours of community service for the alcohol related accident that rendered his passenger mentally and physically disabled.

My verdict...he got off easy. His passenger, John Graziano, was a decorated Iraq war veteran, who is now unable to care for himself, due to the terrible, vegetative state the accident left him in.

While this was an accident, it is one born out of absolute carelessness and disregard for the law, as Nick had been cited several times by the police for reckless driving prior to the accident.

Graziano's dad is angry and rightfully so, as his child's life has been destroyed. However, they must never give up hope that his condition can improve, as there are recorded cases in medical science where that has happened.



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