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Obama Administration Waffling On Taxes  

Pull Off The Band Aid, Already!

December 2. 2010

Barack Obama

As stated previously, the Judiciary Report is in favor of raising taxes on America's richest citizens, to help ease the financial trauma of the current economic depression. The middle class and the poor should be left out of a tax hike. However, the Obama Administration is beginning to waffle on raising taxes on the rich, when it is fiscally necessary at this point in time. 

Once again, some of America's richest citizens single-handedly created the current financial depression, via greed and gouging. It has harmed so many people, who are now out of work and without their home, thanks to foreclosure. 

The rich should be made to give back what they took, above what they were entitled to under the law. Taxation is a cheap, cost effective way to do so. A nation of 305,000,000 cannot function for or be made to suffer for the benefit of the (financial) top two percent of its citizens, also known as the rich. 



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