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Obama Pushes Billion Dollar Train But Is Cutting Heating Subsidies For The Poor

February 12. 2011

Barack Obama

President Barack Obama, has approved funding for a $53 billion dollar bullet train, but cut heating subsidies for America’s poor, stating the nation can’t afford it. The Judiciary Report takes umbrage at this development. America is experiencing one of its coldest winters on record. It is even cold in Florida, with Georgia experiencing its coldest winter to date.

Yet, once again, the President has put the cart before the horse, in allotting billions for a train that is not a necessity, but a status symbol, while the poor goes cold. This is simply not right. How can this be the way. 

It is another prime example of why the nation is still mired in a terrible financial crisis. The government has allowed financial corruption to batter the American people and continue to make poor fiscal choices that promote poverty instead of recovery.


GOP Opposes Obama's $53 Billion Bullet Train


Obama to Propose Cut to Heating Assistance



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