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Obama To Address U.S. Deficit

October 20. 2009

The Obamas

According to published reports, President Barack Obama, stated he is going to address the ever increasing, U.S. deficit. There are way too many zeros in the deficit.

In light of the massive spending that has transpired in the White House and Congress over the past few months, the Judiciary Report does not fathom how that is financially feasible at this particular juncture. The laws of mathematics say it is not. Cut back on the spending. 

Obama Lays Plans to Tackle Deficit

OCTOBER 20, 2009 - This has been the year of coping with the economic mess. Next year will be the year of coping with the deficit mess that follows the economic mess.

The Obama White House has come to that conclusion, and is already starting to plan how to go about tackling the job. The effort is likely to start early next year and will include plenty of direct presidential engagement, with equal parts psychology and substance...




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