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Petition Gains Many Signatures Demanding Putin's Mistress And Kids Be Deported From Switzerland

March 25. 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his mistress Alina Kabaeva

Russian President and war criminal, Vladimir Putin, is currently one of the most hated men in the world for illegally invading the nation of Ukraine. Putin's illegal war has killed babies, children and adults via shootings and bombings that have disgusted the world (Russian President And War Criminal Vladimir Putin Has Killed 50 Ukrainian Children In Bombings And Shootings (Videos)).

Putin has given no thought to the children of Ukraine, whom he has slaughtered. However, he expects his offspring to be protected. A petition has been launched to get Putin's mistress, Alina Kabaeva, and by default his three children with her, expelled from Switzerland. Putin carried on an affair with Kabaeva during his 31-year marriage to Lyudmila Putina, whom he later divorced in 2014 (the former married couple have two daughters).

Thus far the petition has over 61,000 signatures. Yahoo News reported that Switzerland is being condemned for, "Continuing to host her and her family, whilst Putin is destroying the lives of millions."

The Swiss government has a detailed history of remaining neutral, inactive and silent at pivotal times in world history that requires them to speak up and take action. Switzerland also has a history of massive money laundering, favored by Putin, which is the bedrock of the Swiss economy.

Some nations are known for maple syrup; some are known for kiwi fruit. Switzerland is known for money laundering. I guess we are asking too much of a nation whose national product is money laundering.

I'm not very fond of the Swiss government and with good cause. I find it bizarre the United Nations would have offices in Switzerland regarding human rights matters, when they repeatedly fail regarding victims of horrible human rights abuses. They do absolutely nothing.

And they are doing it again. Putin's mistress and kids are in Switzerland living in luxury off laundered blood money and the Swiss government is turning a blind eye to it. The Swiss government consistently does nothing when the world calls upon them to do the right thing.

It is not appropriate or fitting that the United Nations be located in Switzerland when they routinely launder enormous amounts of blood money from criminals and dictators who murder millions of innocent people. Not to mention, the United Nations office in Switzerland routinely ignores the petitions of human rights abuse victims.

Then again, the United Nations is being condemned all over social networking by millions as absolutely "useless" among other negative descriptors, due to Putin invading Ukraine (look it up). The mere fact Putin could pull off this sick criminal invasion and slaughters so many innocents right in everyone's faces says the United Nations truly is "useless."


Alina Kabaeva: Switzerland urged to deport Putin’s rumoured lover

Tue, March 22, 2022, 10:38 PM - A petition calling on Switzerland to deport a Russian woman rumoured to be Vladimir Putin’s lover has received more than 61,000 signatures. The campaign to expel Alina Kabaeva, a former Olympic gymnast and politician, was started by Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian nationals after Mr Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Written in English, French and German, the petition, which was posted on the change.org website, describes the 38-year-old as the “favourite wife of a delusional dictator”. Comparing the Russian leader to Adolf Hitler, it then urges Switzerland to see that “Eva Braun” be “returned to her Führer”.

Its writers accuse Switzerland of  “continuing to host her and her family, whilst Putin is destroying the lives of millions”. Last month, Switzerland said it would join other countries in imposing sanctions against Russia. Speaking after the decision, Jacques Pitteloud, the country’s ambassador in the US, said Switzerland remained a “neutral” country...




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